Craig as toastmaster was suitably attired
with sparkly red bow, for the last meeting of the year, on the 12th
of December. Chocolates and juice were on hand. We were warned on the quality of
Club No 1996

Tuesday, 17 December 2019
Thursday, 28 November 2019
From: "Marcus van Irsel" <>
To: "Craig & Jan" <>
Subject: Meeting report
Date: Friday, November 29, 2019 2:54 PM
Hi Craig,
Graeme kicked off our meeting today letting us all know we were in for a
treat, as Mehran was our Toastmaster for today’s meeting, and such was the
quality of his skill that we’d want him to be TM again next week.
Mehran certainly didn’t disappoint. He had spent plenty of time beforehand
planning this meeting, juggling many things to ensure our programme ran
smoothly. In fact with such competency at juggling I suggested he could
work in the circus!
I really appreciated his comments after each speaker, picking out special
things as in Lou’s speech about enjoying the little things.
New member Hannah, read the mission statement and did a good job. I
suggested to Mehran that he should arrange this before the meeting so the
reader could be familiar with the text and then use more eye contact.
Paula introduced Lou, building her up extremely well by mentioned not once,
but twice that she was a competition winner within the club.
And we were not disappointed by Lou’s speech, “Feed My Soul”. She displayed
all the skills she has developed in her time at Pania, as we learnt her
full name was Louise May “Not”. This was her first ice breaker under
Pathways and she recounted her first ice breaker and how much she had
improved. We found out that the things that feed her soul include her
grandchildren, her own children, followed by husband, friends, the ocean,
gardening and bird watching. Phew!! I don’t see how she could possibly have
time for anything else. A great speech where it was a pleasure to see how
far Lou has come.
Michael then introduced our second speaker, Sandy. Another good
introduction where we were told how Sandy needed to distill all her
knowledge into a 5 – 7 minute presentation.
Sandy’s knowledge and understanding certainly came to the fore with her
subject and how the number 42 “let’s go with it” attitude isn’t going to
work well for us. It was educational as well. We discovered sand is the
second greatest resource used in the world, and ten Google searches is
equivalent to a light bulb burning for one hour. Some very interesting
facts were presented that certainly got the audience thinking.
Craig ran the table topics session, with the theme of music.
We found out Hannah’s favourite solo artist is Elton John because of how he
sings and his flamboyance. In case you’re wondering, she’s definitely going
to his concert here in the Bay next year.
Peter’s most enjoyable musical is Handel’s Messiah, which he was privileged
to hear with a 300 strong combined choir on stage. Sounds like something
the rest of us need to experience.
Israel’s favourite song is Canta Corazon by Alejandro Fernandez (hopefully
I’ve got this right!). Apparently the best way to hear him is in the VIP
area after getting into a concert for free.
Craig, by keeping a crafty eye on time, was able to squeeze one more in and
so asked the same question of Sahar. Her favourite English speaking artist
is Taylor Swift, who, although being very girly, cheers her up and leaves
her feeling good (and isn’t that what music is all about?).
Paula evaluated Lou, pointing out all the many good things about her
presentation and delivered with plenty of enthusiasm. She did seem to have
a problem deciding the best position for the lectern?
Michael had plenty of commendations for Sandy, clearly showing he’d been
paying attention. I thought he should be prepared to offer recommendations,
although he did throw a sneaky one in anyway.
The table topics were evaluated by Leigh, and she too did extremely well,
picking up lots of good things about each presentation and coming up with
some recommendations.
It was left to Laurel to provide feedback on how well we all did against
the clock, before it was my turn to present the general evaluation, which I
managed to squeeze out within time so that we finished at precisely 1pm.
Well done everyone.
Best speaker: Lou
Best evaluator: Paula
Best table topic: Hannah
To: "Craig & Jan" <>
Subject: Meeting report
Date: Friday, November 29, 2019 2:54 PM
Hi Craig,
Graeme kicked off our meeting today letting us all know we were in for a
treat, as Mehran was our Toastmaster for today’s meeting, and such was the
quality of his skill that we’d want him to be TM again next week.
Mehran certainly didn’t disappoint. He had spent plenty of time beforehand
planning this meeting, juggling many things to ensure our programme ran
smoothly. In fact with such competency at juggling I suggested he could
work in the circus!
I really appreciated his comments after each speaker, picking out special
things as in Lou’s speech about enjoying the little things.
New member Hannah, read the mission statement and did a good job. I
suggested to Mehran that he should arrange this before the meeting so the
reader could be familiar with the text and then use more eye contact.
Paula introduced Lou, building her up extremely well by mentioned not once,
but twice that she was a competition winner within the club.
And we were not disappointed by Lou’s speech, “Feed My Soul”. She displayed
all the skills she has developed in her time at Pania, as we learnt her
full name was Louise May “Not”. This was her first ice breaker under
Pathways and she recounted her first ice breaker and how much she had
improved. We found out that the things that feed her soul include her
grandchildren, her own children, followed by husband, friends, the ocean,
gardening and bird watching. Phew!! I don’t see how she could possibly have
time for anything else. A great speech where it was a pleasure to see how
far Lou has come.
Michael then introduced our second speaker, Sandy. Another good
introduction where we were told how Sandy needed to distill all her
knowledge into a 5 – 7 minute presentation.
Sandy’s knowledge and understanding certainly came to the fore with her
subject and how the number 42 “let’s go with it” attitude isn’t going to
work well for us. It was educational as well. We discovered sand is the
second greatest resource used in the world, and ten Google searches is
equivalent to a light bulb burning for one hour. Some very interesting
facts were presented that certainly got the audience thinking.
Craig ran the table topics session, with the theme of music.
We found out Hannah’s favourite solo artist is Elton John because of how he
sings and his flamboyance. In case you’re wondering, she’s definitely going
to his concert here in the Bay next year.
Peter’s most enjoyable musical is Handel’s Messiah, which he was privileged
to hear with a 300 strong combined choir on stage. Sounds like something
the rest of us need to experience.
Israel’s favourite song is Canta Corazon by Alejandro Fernandez (hopefully
I’ve got this right!). Apparently the best way to hear him is in the VIP
area after getting into a concert for free.
Craig, by keeping a crafty eye on time, was able to squeeze one more in and
so asked the same question of Sahar. Her favourite English speaking artist
is Taylor Swift, who, although being very girly, cheers her up and leaves
her feeling good (and isn’t that what music is all about?).
Paula evaluated Lou, pointing out all the many good things about her
presentation and delivered with plenty of enthusiasm. She did seem to have
a problem deciding the best position for the lectern?
Michael had plenty of commendations for Sandy, clearly showing he’d been
paying attention. I thought he should be prepared to offer recommendations,
although he did throw a sneaky one in anyway.
The table topics were evaluated by Leigh, and she too did extremely well,
picking up lots of good things about each presentation and coming up with
some recommendations.
It was left to Laurel to provide feedback on how well we all did against
the clock, before it was my turn to present the general evaluation, which I
managed to squeeze out within time so that we finished at precisely 1pm.
Well done everyone.
Best speaker: Lou
Best evaluator: Paula
Best table topic: Hannah
Saturday, 23 November 2019
How do you identify a leader?" "Believe!" These were the titles given by our
two excellent speakers at the Pania Toastmasters meeting on Thursday 21st
November. Read more
Saturday, 16 November 2019
On the 19th of September I had the pleasure of having Anna chair our meeting for maybe the last time.
It was all rather sad. Guess who was chairing the meeting yesterday? It was Anna and what a meeting it was! Lots of fun, bubbly and plenty of animation. People were up and about enjoying the occasion. Anna even used words like "Jocund" thanks to Sandy our absent Grammarian. So did everyone else! Kees (a visiting toastmaster from overseas) read the mission statement with lots of enthusiasm. I could sense we were going to have a special meeting and that is exactly what happened! Read more.
Thursday, 31 October 2019
Toastmasters Meeting Held on 31st October 2019
of the heart when your retirement fund is full.
Graeme who
was like a kid with a new toy honked the hooter, to get everyone’s attention so
he could introduce Michael as the Toastmaster of the day. This was the first
time Michael had been toastmaster and what a great job he did. He smoothly took
in changes of speaking times and organised hecklers for Patrick’s speech. The
meeting ran efficiently and to time. Apologies were received and carried. Pedro
read the Mission Statement confidently.
Wednesday, 23 October 2019
Pania's meeting today was highly entertaining and educational and while traditionally before the 'long' weekend numbers were down a little, those that attended were certainly entertained and educated with the meeting ably led by our Toastmaster Laurel.
Laurel's program was brief and to the point and she had a theme of "Welcome Home" which was utilised throughout the meeting. After we ALL read the Mission Statement we were introduced to the first speech by Carol introducing Anna.Unfortunately Anna is moving to Wairoa and this speech was very well put together as a type of 'thank you' for all you have assisted her with at Toastmasters and farewell, although she will be back! Extremely well presented and thought out, Anna used many of the member's individual contributions to her progress during the presentation, that was amusing and highly entertaining. Who can forget the "BOOM-BOOM" of the heart,the "KNOCK-KNOCK" of the knees and the "BUTTERFLIES FLYING HITHER & THITHER"?
Carol gave an excellent Evaluation of the speech advising the 'she nailed the objectives' and was also able to add three recommendations for Anna- excellent stuff all round!
Next up was Beneta introducing Sandy with a Pathways Assignment "Identifying Conversational Styles an How It Impacts on Others". This was an exceptional presentation with great use of Visual Aids, Personal Stories and very informative for everyone in the audience. We could very clearly see the different personality styles and how they can effect our impact on others with a BOOM in the middle! Sandy has recently changed jobs from 'talking to a computer" to more "talking to people" and this assignment was very timely for her, if this presentation was any indication she will have absolutely no problems!
Beneta evaluated Sandy's presentation, this being her first evaluation, and what a marvellous job she did. Beneta had obviously taken in all that Sandy spoke about and was rightly effusive in her praise for the presentation with a well structured evaluation repeating the objectives, commending and summarising. Both excellent presentations!
Patrick was the Table Topics Master and utilised the theme of "Coming Home" with questions about chores around the house, Mehran was into dusting that his mother left for him,Pedro sings and dances while he does the dishes,Graeme cannot do any washing of clothes as well as Margaret, so he leaves it to her! and Lou loves bing outside, so mowing the lawns is not a problem for her.
Sahar gave a good summary of the Table Topics in her first Evaluation of Table Topics (and no doubt will save some dusting for Mehran!)
Craig wound up the meeting with his General Evaluation assisted by Timekeeper Lou, and we finished right on time. Laurel wished us well for the long weekend and reminded us that we do it all again next Thursday when the Toastmaster is Michael.
Best Table Topic; Pedro
Best Evaluator; Beneta
Best Speaker; Sandy
Laurel's program was brief and to the point and she had a theme of "Welcome Home" which was utilised throughout the meeting. After we ALL read the Mission Statement we were introduced to the first speech by Carol introducing Anna.Unfortunately Anna is moving to Wairoa and this speech was very well put together as a type of 'thank you' for all you have assisted her with at Toastmasters and farewell, although she will be back! Extremely well presented and thought out, Anna used many of the member's individual contributions to her progress during the presentation, that was amusing and highly entertaining. Who can forget the "BOOM-BOOM" of the heart,the "KNOCK-KNOCK" of the knees and the "BUTTERFLIES FLYING HITHER & THITHER"?
Carol gave an excellent Evaluation of the speech advising the 'she nailed the objectives' and was also able to add three recommendations for Anna- excellent stuff all round!
Next up was Beneta introducing Sandy with a Pathways Assignment "Identifying Conversational Styles an How It Impacts on Others". This was an exceptional presentation with great use of Visual Aids, Personal Stories and very informative for everyone in the audience. We could very clearly see the different personality styles and how they can effect our impact on others with a BOOM in the middle! Sandy has recently changed jobs from 'talking to a computer" to more "talking to people" and this assignment was very timely for her, if this presentation was any indication she will have absolutely no problems!
Beneta evaluated Sandy's presentation, this being her first evaluation, and what a marvellous job she did. Beneta had obviously taken in all that Sandy spoke about and was rightly effusive in her praise for the presentation with a well structured evaluation repeating the objectives, commending and summarising. Both excellent presentations!
Patrick was the Table Topics Master and utilised the theme of "Coming Home" with questions about chores around the house, Mehran was into dusting that his mother left for him,Pedro sings and dances while he does the dishes,Graeme cannot do any washing of clothes as well as Margaret, so he leaves it to her! and Lou loves bing outside, so mowing the lawns is not a problem for her.
Sahar gave a good summary of the Table Topics in her first Evaluation of Table Topics (and no doubt will save some dusting for Mehran!)
Craig wound up the meeting with his General Evaluation assisted by Timekeeper Lou, and we finished right on time. Laurel wished us well for the long weekend and reminded us that we do it all again next Thursday when the Toastmaster is Michael.
Best Table Topic; Pedro
Best Evaluator; Beneta
Best Speaker; Sandy
Saturday, 19 October 2019
Pania Blog – Thursday 17
October 2019
Although we were a little light on members today (14), this
was still an entertaining and thought- provoking meeting with two excellent
speeches and evaluations, three challenging, but fun table topics, an
informative business session and short but effective reports. Apologies were received from Graeme, Leigh, Marc ,Tamara and Hannah.
Saturday, 12 October 2019
On a beautiful warm Spring Thursday Carol welcomed us to our
meeting with warmth and a spring in her step . Our program was laid out to
celebrate the season, and appreciated by all .Awesome job Carol .Our guest Hannah, was introduced and said she will return!
As time allowed Carol wove little tit bits in about the
season , and her natural warm smile was not lost on us .
Wednesday, 2 October 2019
Our Pania Toastmasters meeting opened on time with Israel’s
confident voice and manner leading us through. Pedro read the mission statement
and we were underway.
Wednesday, 25 September 2019
On Thursday 26th September Pania Toastmasters held their Table Topics & Humorous Speech Contests with several visiting Judges from Napier Club, Brenda, Jane & Karen and the Area Director Brian from Hastings Club.
Sunday, 22 September 2019
having two speeches!
also had a grammarian. Anna challenged us to use the word "vulnerable." Thanks
Anna it proved to be a very popular word.
lets get back to the two speeches! One of them was titled "Having fun along the
way" and the other "Climate reality"
Monday, 16 September 2019
Pania Meeting Report for 12th Sept
At 12:05 on the minute Graeme welcomed all Toastmasters and
introduced Craig as our Toastmaster of the day. Craig opened the meeting with a
greeting in Te Reo, as it was Maori Language week.
Sunday, 8 September 2019
On a big wave into spring!
Spring is nature’s way of saying, ‘Let’s party’! This was the
motto Julie, our Toastmaster of the day, welcoming us to the meeting: We could
choose cheerful glittery items from a box to dress up for the spring party
theme. Julie led us through the meeting in her jovial manner, and leading from
one topic to the next by acknowledging each speaker in her personal warm way.
She interspersed the meeting with fun facts about spring.
Wednesday, 28 August 2019
With Laurel at the helm as Toastmaster of the day we were not disappointed in the great meeting we had at Pania Toastmasters today, an excellent and varied program and well run throughout.We had one guest being past member Kerry, now a member of Napier Club.
Monday, 26 August 2019
Pania Blog – Thursday 22
August 2019
A very special celebration for a founder
Yes, it was 80 years ago today that one of our founder
members, Graeme, uttered his first sound. It was not known then that he would
continue to make excellent use of that particular skill to not only become an
exemplary speaker himself, but also be a shining example to all members that
have joined Pania in the ensuing years, right through to the current day. The
sound he uttered then might have been unrecognisable to the modern Toastmaster
today, but be assured that it would have been loud and intended to make people
listen!! Nothing has really changed!
Saturday, 17 August 2019
to "My Little One Kidney Girl" in "The Garden". These were the two speeches we
were lucky enough to hear at our Pania meeting on 15th August. Read more.
Wednesday, 7 August 2019
That and Do the Right Thing!
Sergeant at Arms Welcomed our TM for the day, Craig and meeting was declared
open on time.
advised there was to be last minute changes to the program and after reading of
mission statement, welcomed the Table Topics Master, Julie who shared with us
“an interesting experience” we were about to experience as we were invited to
“play a game.”
as Julie read out an example, she invited Marc to be the first participant to
exaggerate his truth (or not) and tell a story to ‘Top That’
shared some antics from his family dinner last night and the subsequent
plumbing/ drainage issues. Leaving us to wonder whether his sink is fixed and
kitchen drains now work or not. More to follow on this topic, no
“top that” story was his experiences with the number 7. Lucky or not so lucky,
the truth or not the truth. Perhaps Michael should have put his money on
7th place not so much, horse #7.
used his “go to” story for being late … and then added a bit of flare. Or rather
flames and police and a tin hat! Great imagination.
Leigh shared her “beginners luck” experience of tramping and deer hunting with her
partner, staying in the orange DOC hut. True story this one I
shared of her wintery woes in Dunedin and first experiences of NZ and how her
husband told her they were moving to NZ which she thought was a joke initially.
No joke, they’re happy living in Napier now.
had 3 stories of the biggest fish catches by her family members. With each fish
caught on separate occasions, taking away a trophy and/or cash! This was clearly
a case of the biggest one didn’t get away.
took us on a journey of his relationships and how they weren’t going so well
until he met his now wife, Liz. Loved the happy ending with news that Patrick is
due to become a father later this year.
lead us to believe that he was a jockey in his youth. Then clarified he only
raced once in an amateur horse race and took the win, finishing his career and
table topic on a high.
concluded the table topics session handing back to Craig who shared that in
America Toastmasters, they have a session on “tall stories”. We certainly were
entertained with a couple of those today.
educated us with exactly what Lou’s objectives were to be for her speech titled
“Make the Right Decision” and we were instantly delighted and educated even more
about the impact that plastic is having on our environment and recycling
shared some great tips for how we can take personal responsibility in making the
right decision to reduce plastic use, waste and ingestion. Backing up those tips
with education on the recycling guide and how we can be more prepared by using
mesh bags for our veg (over plastic) and looking for products that have less
plastic packaging.
Laurel’s evaluation, we were asked for feedback on who was going to make at
least one change and/or implement at least one of Lou’s tips from here talk and
I noticed majority of hands were raised. Nice work Lou, meeting objectives of an
influencing speech which were clearly articulated during Laurel’s introduction
and evaluation.
you to Laurel for demonstrating consistency as an evaluator as you follow the TM
system/ formula. It works so well and you continuously make the role look easy.
(which it is not)
took up the task of evaluating all the table topics and what a great job he also
did. Personally noticing each person’s strength and acknowledging that during
the evaluation. Graeme very gently encouraged each TT speaker to stretch
themselves a little further next time. It was so gentle and in such an inspiring
way perhaps not everyone noticed. (Unless I was having another rose tinted
glasses moment 😊)
Best Speaker Award:
Best Evaluator Award:
Best Table Topic: Leigh with
special mention of her improvement
Pania Blog – Thursday 1 August 2019
Stagioni for lunch!
Anyone who has enjoyed an authentic Italian Pizza in Italy, would
know that it means ‘Four Seasons, with each season being represented by the
topping synonymous with each season. So
too did our Toastmaster of the Day, Carole, represent each of our seasons
throughout the meeting by providing not only a bright and colourful agenda, but
also a sprinkling of interesting facts and details as a perfect topping!
Tuesday, 30 July 2019
This week was the first time as a Toastmaster for our Toastmaster of the day:
Sahar. She did a wonderful job and she made an exceptional well designed double
sided agenda with a lot of historical information and a Persian poem from Hafez
Thursday, 18 July 2019
These were the topics of the two speeches we had today at Pania Toastmaster's weekly meeting, extremely well organised and run by Israel, with his first time as Toastmaster of the day. He had an excellent program, which ran to time and his enthusiasm and comments kept the audience well involved.
Monday, 15 July 2019
was the Toastmaster for the day, with a well-organized and run meeting infused
with humour. We all read the mission statement together and apologies were
accepted. The theme of the day was Story Telling.
Wednesday, 3 July 2019
Graeme set out the room today in a different way
which was very inviting. Michael read the mission statement with gusto.
Lou introduced our first speaker Tamara whose
speech was entitled What are you expecting? All about The Pygmalion effect.
What you expect you will get. She told us about an experiment done on
University students that has since has been implemented with various groups
around the world and the results are the same - giving someone a great
reputation to live up to will result in this happening. Tamara used great props
and this was a very informative speech about different leadership styles. Six
styles: Authoritative, Coaching, Democratic, Affiliative, Pace Setting,
Bureaucratic which Tamara explained each one in detail and advised that a good
leader will apply all of these at one time or other but will lean towards one or
two more commonly. Lou gave very good feedback to Tamara and commented on what
a clever use of the subject matter whilst tying it to the
Julie introduced our second speech and told us of
her knowledge of Paula and her enthusiasm for what she does and how she
motivates others. Paula's speech was on Emotions and Choices. She used the
stage and her hand gestures to emphasis her points. She told us that we are in
charge of our emotions and how we choose to show these in any given situation.
We all have a choice and we all can choose at any time. When we make conscious
choices we can be more in control of what the outcome will be. Your mission if
you choose, is to be aware of what choices you are making and start to notice
what your unconscious choices are making. Julie evaluated Paula and gave some
great recommendations as well as commending her on her use of great facial
Craig gave us general business and reminded us of
the leadership training happening Friday 19th July 6.30pm-9.30pm. Craig
also acknowledged the previous executive committee and welcomed in the new
executive committee. Graeme went through next week's programme with
Israel introduced Table Topics and removed the
lectern and owned the stage. Great voice modulation and great pace - exuding
confidence! Israel wanted everyone to convince him on why he should employ our
Table Topic participants in his new make-believe company.
Sandy spoke about how NOT to take her on as the
CEO of any companies that you may be starting in the near future! Michael spoke
about what his colleagues would say about him and that he's easy to get along
with and knows how to get people to feel comfortable about new initiatives or
plans for the business. Leigh was asked about why she was leaving her previous
role and she told us that she wanted to pursue new opportunities, improving her
communication skills and show how passionate for is for his new company. Sahar
was asked what would be her leadership style and she considered this quickly and
decided it was coaching style as she likes to see people try and support them in
as they learn. When it comes to conflict, Mehran likes to be the facilitator of
resolving conflict and likes staff to try to resolve their conflict before he
needs to be involved. Craig told us he's a great communicator and let Israel
know he should employ Craig over other candidates - namely because he can talk his way out of a paper bag!
In the end Israel decided to employ himself!
Well done and of course you will pay yourself handsomely for this new role
Sahar evaluated Table Topics for the first time
and gave commendations and recommendations for each person - well done on
following the CRC method for your first time Sahar!
Jen keep time during the meeting and we finished right on time to venture out into the rain again!!
Table Topics - Sandy
Best Evaluator - Sahar
Best Speech - Tamara
Monday, 1 July 2019
'"THE HAPPY PRINCE @ 20,000 per DAY!"
20th of June 2019
"The Happy Prince @20,000 a day!"
Jenni was confident, friendly, welcoming and well organised as
Toastmaster, linking in fun facts over a variety of topics including the 1987
world cup.
Thursday, 27 June 2019
a great meeting at Pania Toastmasters on 27th June!
speakers with intriguing speech titles of "Constantly moving" and "Hot topic"
What more could one ask for? - read more.
Tuesday, 18 June 2019
ran a good meeting with the theme ‘Benefits of Rain’ and asked Sahar to
introduce her guest which was her husband, Medon.
Saturday, 8 June 2019
"G.I.S. and N.A.C.P"
It was a very warm greeting that was extended at our Thursday
meeting , and at long last we all met Theo Selwyn Pawson , the beautiful son of
Tamara , our toastmaster .
Tamara had used Theo’s introduction day for her theme,
babies. Something we can all relate to , we all have had them or were in fact
one ourselves…………bless those that can remember that ! One brave Toastmaster
claimed he could recall being a baby ??????
Ian Levingston a very loyal and longstanding member of Pania
Toastmaster died on June 2nd. Ian was a Mentor of the Club when we started 35 years ago this month and apart from 2/3 year break has been a member all the time. Graeme led us in a minutes silence to
remember Ian . At a later date it is proposed that Pania will have an award
dedicated to this fine gentleman . Memories of Ian were warmly shared and an
agreement to send a card from Pania Toastmasters was made .Too dearly loved to
ever be forgotten .
Marc , with his usual grace introduced Sahar who spoke about her role in GIS (Geographic Information Systems) and how it can be a help to everyone.
In his evaluation of Sahar , Marc suggested that because Sahar had not had sufficient time to prepare the speech to her satisfaction , she maybe should have excused herself from presenting it at this stage and rescheduled the presentation.Situations outside of Toastmasters can well effect scheduled speakers and while not suggesting that it be a regular occurrence, if a speaker is not happy with the preparation then they can reschedule, giving time for a replacement.
Marc commended Sahar for bringing a little bit more of Iran
to Napier , for being inclusive and for her eye contact .
Lou introduced Craig,who presented a speech entitled "NACP6 to Comms" , after his speech she gave a great
evaluation of an interesting speech. The 13th time Craig has actually
presented a speech with these specific objectives. Lou told us the objectives of
the speech again and then apologised for not being able to find any recommendations for Craig.
Patrick presented Table Topics , this scribe was very happy
to be busy when the topic was childhood memories! Patrick did a top job of
asking the majority of speakers who had not had spoken previously . He was commended for
this in the General Evaluation . It is good to try to ensure that everyone has a
chance to speak at Toastmasters meetings if possible .
Laurel showed us just how Table Topics evaluations are done ,
it’s a quick fire thing the evaluations of each speaker should not be longer
that the speech was ! there should be a commendation and a recommendation for
each speaker and any comments to the Table Topics master that are appropriate
. It was like a Table Topics Evaluation Educational , and this is why Laurel
was awarded best evaluator .Thank you Laurel , just what we needed . Best Table
Topic was awarded to Anna .
In general business Leigh was inducted to Pania Toastmasters Club, welcome
Marc reminded the executive committee that there would be a
meeting Friday night at his home .
Patrick presented the date for the Pathways educational which
is June 27th at 1.00pm , bring your device and a sandwich . More to
come .
In her general evaluation , Jen commended Tamara for her
capable management of the meeting (which included some highly enlightening facts about babies)and for helping timekeeper Leigh in her first
time role .Leigh did an amazing job , thank you .
Jen gave best speaker to Craig .
And then it was all over for another week, how quickly our
convivial time passes .
See you next Thursday.
Sandy was our Toastmaster for today, the room was set up very well and she welcomed everyone for our meeting. After the apologies Craig was in for an EmpoweRRRRRRRed Mission Statement.
Tuesday, 28 May 2019
meetings in one…
Thursday the club held it’s AGM as part of its meeting, so to ensure everything
ran to time we had “Captain Efficiency” Jen at the helm, and she ran a very
slick meeting indeed.
Saturday, 18 May 2019
was our Toastmaster of the day, and she welcomed us all in a professional
manner, introducing us to the theme of the meeting: Bullying – Kindness is one
size fits all. Many supported Pink Shirt Day wearing their pink shirt or scarf.
Mission statement was read by Carol in her gorgeous pink dress and apologies tabled and passed.
Tuesday, 14 May 2019
On the weekend of the 3rd-5th May Marc (with his wife Kerry-a Napier Club member),Patrick and Craig(with his wife Jan) attended the Annual (and inaugural) District 112 Conference in Hamilton.The theme of the conference was "New Beginnings" appropriate for the first District 112 Conference after the split of New Zealand into two Toastmaster's Districts from 1st June 2018.
Sunday, 12 May 2019
It’s me: Happy for no reason!
Pania Meeting Report for 9th May
Jenni was our Toastmaster of the day, and she welcomed us all
in a cheerful manner, introducing us to the theme of the meeting: Mother’s
Day! She also welcomed us in Maori AND sign language!! Well done.
Jen introduced our first speaker of the day, getting us all
to laugh with a brief humorous personal story of her first time speaking – which
was a great way to lead into Sahar’s first speech here at Pania Toastmasters,
the Icebreaker. In her speech ‘It’s me’ Sahar told us about her move from her
home country Iran to New Zealand. She started off telling us the reason why they
wanted to change their lives and take the courageous step to move to a
completely different culture. She then described how they actually realised the
big step, finding enough money, a job, and place to live for a start in Dunedin!
And she concluded with describing what they enjoy being resident in New Zealand
now. What a great structure Sahar had in her speech, and her positive vibes came
across so well, that it was a joy listening to her. Jen congratulated Sahar on
completing her first speech, and gave a very warm and encouraging evaluation.
She commended Sahar on presenting so well in English as her second language, on
the content of the speech and on the fact that Sahar presented without notes.
Jenni moved the meeting on the next item, General Business.
Jane recognised Barbara, a former Toastmaster member, for her role at Napier
Girl’s High school, at the occasion of her retirement: news that made the
newspaper. Marc highlighted Pania Club’s upcoming general meeting and encouraged
participation and volunteers for roles in the executive team! He also told us
about the TM conference in Hamilton, and revealed that Craig was recognised at
the conference with one of four District 112 Citation for service to Toastmasters. Congratulations Craig!
Anna introduced our second speaker Carol in a very humorous
and light-hearted way, giving us background on Carol’s profession, which was an
excellent introduction to the content of the speech with the title ‘How to be
happy for no reason’. Carol jumped straight into an entertaining personal story
on a chaotic start of the day but still feeling happy for no reason. The
following practical exercise got us all hooked and engaged. Additionally
supported by visuals on the board Carol managed to explain plausibly the
technical background on what to do to feel simply happy – even without a reason.
In her evaluation, Anna commended the appearance, gestures and authenticity of
Carol’s informative speech. She recommended simplifying the content slightly, to
match it to the limited time available for the speech.
The following item on the agenda was Table Topics, with
Tamara as our Table Topics Master. Matching our theme of the day, Tamara asked
for speeches relating to Mother’s Day.
Julie was asked what the best piece of advice was her mom
ever gave her. Julie surprised us with revealing that it was the recommendation
to always to wear French perfume and leather shoes, and expanded on why it made
her feel so good.
Then Tamara asked Jen what her most memorable mother’s day
experience was. Jen first explained Mother’s Day was not much of a celebration
in her family, but she shared the memory that even little hand-made personal
presents given with love are cherished and treasured, even if not practical at
all: She gave her mom a little ashtray made out of paper.
Paula was asked to talk about how she is like or unlike her
mom. Paula disclosed she had a great relationship with her mom – with the
distance of the sea between New Zealand and Australia separating them. But Paula
told us that she focusses on the positive in her mom, and looks out for things
in which she would like to be like her, and that she is then grateful if she
Tamara asked Craig to tell us about what he most regretted
doing to his mom, and he convincingly explained that he wouldn’t do anything
naughty as he was mother’s little darling! But then he admitted sneakily
watching TV when he was not allowed to do so.
Marc delivered an outstanding evaluation of the Table Topic
Presenters in an exemplary way: in this
short timeframe he offered a structured, well-balanced feedback to all four
speakers, offering genuine commendations on appearance, delivery, structure, and
content of each speech, and also helpful recommendations for everyone.Sandy gave an excellent General Evaluation assisted by the Timekeeper Graeme. (ED)
Jenni wrapped up this entertaining and informative meeting in
time and with this finished a successful meeting she has led as the Toastmaster
for the first time, well done Jenni!
Best Speaker: Sahar
Best Table Topic: PAULA
Best Evaluator: Marc
Sunday, 5 May 2019
Pania Meeting Report for 2nd May 2019
for almost a full house – 2 guests, with our new members, it was really lovely
to not see chairs for people sitting on them!
ran a great meeting, warm and welcoming open (in true Lou style) backed up by
Jen (grammarian) who chose the word ‘Gratitude’. This became the theme of the
day with each member using gratitude or a variation of that in some form when
they spoke.
her second visit and our guest Bonita felt comfortable enough to read the
Mission Statement – credit to Lou for checking in prior to meeting start – and
this was the way the meeting flowed. Special mention was given to welcome Graeme
introduced Israel with her great use of ‘Gratitude’. She shared the background
of what an icebreaker speech is all about including the what, why and how of an
icebreaker to educate us, guests and refresh members.
from Mexico entertained and educated us so we could learn more about him see his
skills in action as he commanded the stage and managed to get a message or two
across about his English and Spanish language and personality. Laurel’s
evaluation included many commendations and recognition of the talent we
witnessed and only a couple of recommendations. Again, there were fabulous
education opportunities shared through listening to experienced evaluators
sharing their feedback.
took the opportunity to bring in General Business where Patrick reminded us of
the TM event in Hamilton this weekend. Laurel reminded us that it’s not just
about the contests, there is also going to be the election process happening.
Next year this will be held in Napier and it was encouraged for 100% attendance
and participation.
of pace as Carol introduced Jenni who spoke on ‘Toxic Positivity’. A
well-researched topic with opportunities to challenge our own behaviours and
thinking to avoid this toxic positivity “trap”. Beautifully
acknowledged with by the grateful Carol who shared her passion on this topic,
insights as well as commendations and recommendations. I particularly liked how
Carol stepped forward with her beaming smile as Jenni came to the front of the
room – this act helped the speaker to feel welcomed even more and perhaps even
help rid one or two of the nerves. Nice touch Carol, thank you.
educated us on earthquakes, natural disasters and also the latest in land
movement (causing earthquakes) of Mount Hikurangi – setting the scene of the
well thought out and pre-planned Table Topics questions.
delighted us with her childhood experiences and the differences she noticed in
the two countries including her experience with emergency evacuation at work
to see Graeme demonstrating his experience and delight with table topics. ‘We
learned just what was in his emergency ‘grab bag’’ and how this still sits on
his “to do” list.
shared with confidence and conviction why we should not re-build Napier in the
same place if the city should be decimated by an earthquake. We heard the
reasons why she felt this way including the current book she is reading - it
certainly got me thinking.
showed his experience as he shared he does not have a plan for at risk elderly
friends or family if there was an emergency. What he did share was his wisdom
and practical thoughts on how he would imagine he would respond at looking after
himself and Jane if he was to experience such an experience including a wee
quote “we do not know what we do not know”.
then closed out the table topics with more advice if we were to experience a
natural disaster and reminded us by showing us the Civil Defence reference
material available in the phone book.
evaluation of the table topics credited each speaker for their input,
experiences and addressing an important topic with such honesty. Sandy offered
some good insights, commendations and some recommendations. (as each evaluator
does as part of their role)
up, Jen charmed us with a reminder of the phrases and words of gratitude shared
throughout the talks. With her humour and commentary she summed up the meeting
leaving space for Patrick to race through his time keeper’s report which he did
very well, asking if any of the speakers wanted their time specifically. Great
best Table Topic
best Evaluator
best Speaker
Tuesday, 23 April 2019
Pania Toastmasters
Struggling with the
penguin speech
Our meeting on 11th
of April started on time with our good looking Toastmaster Patrick!!!!.
After a word of welcome,
introduction of our guest and the apologies Patrick smoothly moved on to the
introduction for our first speaker.
Sunday, 7 April 2019
Paula was our very efficient Toastmaster at Pania's meeting on 4th April and ran a very well oiled program, with excellent 'between speaker' comments to keep interest high.
Friday, 29 March 2019
report for 28 March 2019.
are you wearing and where is everybody?”
a list of apologies as long as your arm we were faced with an agenda more
shuffled than a deck of cards.
Toastmaster Paula showed the hallmarks of outstanding leadership, taking the
challenge up and assigning tasks with aplomb; even our guests were included,
with Israel showing great competence with the timing lights. He also showed what
a quick learner he is by deferring a Table Topic, saying he was too busy with
the lights!
Saturday, 23 March 2019
We had a very well run meeting at Pania toastmasters on
21st March 2019. Patrick ran the cutter in his usual relaxed and
enthusiastic manner. Graeme made a great job of setting up the room once again
and I would like to thank him for his time and effort.
Anna introduced Paula with her 4th Pathways
speech, objectives being Research, Learn and Review. Her speech was titled
Decisions, decisions, decisions. As Anna said Paula is always seeking excellence
and this speech was another excellent speech that really pointed out Paula's
abilities to keep us informed and interested. Her personal stories gave us a
little bit more insight into who she is. Anna evaluation was very cheery in her
usual flamboyant style. Paula meet her objectives and Anna had many
commendations and a some recommendations.
As there was only one speaker today an extended table topics
session was held.
Marc was Table Topics Master and choose last weekend’s
Christchurch mosque shooting tragedy as the subject. He put several soul
searching questions on the board for each contestant to choose from. He asked
for emotion from the speakers and emotion is what he got.
Laurel chose “What should happen to the gunman once
he’s found guilty”. Laurel gave a very emotional speech on the subject saying
“The punishment should fit the crime” and hoped the justice system was tough
enough to deal appropriately with this selfish, madman.
Graeme couldn’t read the listed questions so chose
“That the tragedy was something he never expected to happen in NZ”. He was
annoyed, upset and angry that this happened in the country he
Craig didn’t choose an exact question listed but went
on to say he would have felt better if the gunman had’ve been shot while been
apprehend, taking away his voice in the future. Craig also was proud of NZers
for the support they have given the victims over the last week.
Saraha (our guest) bravely joined in and chose “Are
NZer racists” saying that every country has some racism to some decree and as a
foreigner herself to NZ she has been faced with some racists comments since
she’s been here.
Darryl didn’t choose a topic of the board but went on
to tell us all he and Emma are going on an overseas trip for 4 or 5 months and
will consider whether to continue with toastmasters on their return to NZ. He
thanked everyone for their support.
Michael (our quest) felt the board questions had been
covered well and chose to talk about the NZ Farm Forestry Assc. which he is a
member of the HB region and is soon to take on the Chairman's
Julie made an amazing job of evaluating all the table
topics speakers. A tough job for her first table topics evaluation. She had many
good things to say about all speakers and a few recommendations.
General Business: Anna was presented with a trophy
for winning the Pania International Speech Competition and results from the area
competition were given.
Julie received the Best Evaluator award, Craig
received the best table topics award and Paula the best speech
Lou then summed up the meting well as General Evaluator, assisted by the Timekeeper, Craig, and enabled us to finish on time.(Ed)
A well organised meeting following a tragic week of many
Thank you everyone for turning up and making this meeting a
Wednesday, 13 March 2019
At Pania's meeting on Thursday 14th March we held the International Speech Contest, which was contested by three members. Visiting Toastmaster Steve, volunteered!! to be the Chairman and we also had a visiting Judge from Napier Club, Brenda.
Unfortunately our President, Marc, was delayed in Auckland as he was also going to be very competitive in the Contest, but not this year!!
Carol was the first speaker and she had an excellent idea of utilising the seven stages of thought process to entertain and educate us.Entitled "Let Thoughts Become Things" Carol covered the seven Laws of Thought. with a very interesting presentation although a lot was packed into 7 minutes.
Next up was Anna, with her speech entitled "Money Shame!", and interesting presentation that allowed the audience to consider the 'so-called' power of money and the need to have all the right things that it can buy. Anna used a personal example to show the problem, in that we place far too much importance on money and what it can buy, and even more so on the lack of money and the possible 'shame' that it can produce. A thought provoking presentation.
Finally Craig gave us a speech entitled "Challenges" where he started with a quote from George C Patton "accept the challenges so you can feel the exhilaration of victory!". Craig told us about a personal challenge he met and achieved several years ago and implored the audience to accept challenges and thrive on the achievement of success.
Three good speeches that entertained the members and two guests present, the winner was Anna, who now goes on the the Area R3 Finals next Tuesday 19th March at Greenmeadows Community Centre, where she will compete against the winners from the other five Clubs in this Area. Good Luck Anna!
We then had an impromptu Table Topics session run by Graeme, which allowed the other members who had not spoken the opportunity to speak, these included, Napier member's Steve and Brenda, one of the guests who had been previously, Paula & Lou. All spoke well to a variety of subjects , which were all based around 'firsts' (e.g. boyfriend, girlfriend, car etc).
A good meeting, rather poorly attended by members, but hopefully they will all be back next week now the Contests are out of the way!
GET ALONG ON TUESDAY AND SUPPORT Anna (International Speech) and Marc (Evaluation)
at the AREA R3 CONTEST night. 7.00pm (FREE!!! and supper provided)
Unfortunately our President, Marc, was delayed in Auckland as he was also going to be very competitive in the Contest, but not this year!!
Carol was the first speaker and she had an excellent idea of utilising the seven stages of thought process to entertain and educate us.Entitled "Let Thoughts Become Things" Carol covered the seven Laws of Thought. with a very interesting presentation although a lot was packed into 7 minutes.
Next up was Anna, with her speech entitled "Money Shame!", and interesting presentation that allowed the audience to consider the 'so-called' power of money and the need to have all the right things that it can buy. Anna used a personal example to show the problem, in that we place far too much importance on money and what it can buy, and even more so on the lack of money and the possible 'shame' that it can produce. A thought provoking presentation.
Finally Craig gave us a speech entitled "Challenges" where he started with a quote from George C Patton "accept the challenges so you can feel the exhilaration of victory!". Craig told us about a personal challenge he met and achieved several years ago and implored the audience to accept challenges and thrive on the achievement of success.
Three good speeches that entertained the members and two guests present, the winner was Anna, who now goes on the the Area R3 Finals next Tuesday 19th March at Greenmeadows Community Centre, where she will compete against the winners from the other five Clubs in this Area. Good Luck Anna!
We then had an impromptu Table Topics session run by Graeme, which allowed the other members who had not spoken the opportunity to speak, these included, Napier member's Steve and Brenda, one of the guests who had been previously, Paula & Lou. All spoke well to a variety of subjects , which were all based around 'firsts' (e.g. boyfriend, girlfriend, car etc).
A good meeting, rather poorly attended by members, but hopefully they will all be back next week now the Contests are out of the way!
GET ALONG ON TUESDAY AND SUPPORT Anna (International Speech) and Marc (Evaluation)
at the AREA R3 CONTEST night. 7.00pm (FREE!!! and supper provided)
Monday, 11 March 2019
Pania Toastmasters Meeting 7th of
‘It’s all a Half Baked
Read on for more…
Carol as Toastmaster looked gorgeous in
She started with a ‘bang’ and was’ uplifting and relaxing’ for
International Women’s Day. She wove this theme throughout - gender equality and
pay parity, 66 million girls dreaming of school…
Wednesday, 27 February 2019
Pania held their Evaluation Contest today and an extremely interesting and very well presented speech by Napier Toastmaster, Karen entitled "Our Companion-Concussion" was the 'test speech' for the Evaluators to work on.
Wednesday, 20 February 2019
A small turnout of members and one guest attended Pania meetings today and Education was the order of the day!
Wednesday, 13 February 2019
Although we had a number of apologies we still had a great turnout for Pania's meeting today with our numbers bolstered by four guests, Israel (3rd time),Sabine (Toastmaster from Christchurch) and husband Matt and also Liam, a colleague of Julie & Jenni.
Sunday, 10 February 2019
This week was Paula’s first
time to run the Toastmasters meeting, and she did very well! The room
temperature was perfect, the setup nice and clear and Paula’s intro was as
enthusiastic and energetic as it can get.
Today we did welcome 2 new
guests and 1 returning guest: Barbara, Susie and Israel.
First up was Marc to introduce
Craig and he did set the expectations high because he referred to Craig’s long
and lasting Toastmaster experience, extensive knowledge and his all-encompassing
speech skills. Marc’s introduction was short but all-inclusive, humorous,
friendly and to the point.
Craig’s speech , entitled "Show The Way"was about his
Leadership Style and is part of his Leadership Development Pathways program. To
start off his speech Craig referred to his impressive employment history
including different high profile leadership functions in various companies and
also mentioned his Toastmasters plaques for Division Governor of the Year, Area
Governor of the Year and his Certificate of Leadership Excellence.
After his majestic intro Craig
did tell us about the all different requirements for Leaders and all the ways
they are able to demonstrate their Leadership qualities.
And, humble as Craig is, he
also mentioned all the boxes he ticks: Honesty + Integrity, Committed and
Passionate and he is able to demonstrate this because he: Leads by Example, to
be himself and takes responsibility.
Craig’s presentation did give
us very good information about what Leadership is and how it manifests itself in
how Craig is and how he acts.
This was an impressive
presentation without being over the top.
In Marc’s evaluation he did
confirm Craig definitely did meet his goals and also exceeded the already high
expectations. Marc also commented Craig for the way the information was
presented and his pitch, volume and expressions next to a few minor
In our General Business session
Marc mentioned there will be a Special AGM about the slight increase of
the Fees for Pania, the Education speech of our guest Sabine next week and
Craig’s educational the week after, and Marc also presented two Pathway Level 1
certificates Craig & Patrick.
Our Table Topics session this
week was presented by Graeme, and to be sure this time he would not be accused
of embarrassing the speakers with impossible topics, he asked them to pick a
number corresponding to one of the ‘my first...’ topics he selected.
Sandy was first up to tell us
about her first Holiday. Her first holiday by herself was as a volunteer to the
High Sea/North Sea Bird Station and she did elaborate about the different birds,
even the tiny little birds, forest and the work she did during her holiday.
Jenni told us about her first
“murder house”, well, the first time she did visit the dentist. And that was in
primary school. Everyone in school did refer to that building as the “murder
house”. That was the best horror story ever in 1 minute and 37 seconds.
Our last Table Topics was for
Israel about his first time to a dance. And what a confession that was! Even
with the perfect culture in Mexico, where he grew up, with all the
passionate dances all around, playing all day, like the cha-cha-cha, rumba and
samba, he did never dance! He even blamed his two left feet as the cause for not
to be able to dance.
In the Table Topics Evaluation
Lou explained to our guests how this evaluation works and did an excellent job
in her commendations and recommendations for every Table Topics speaker.
Anna introduced our next
speaker Carol and did give us a very extensive and detailed introduction to
poetry. This was almost like a short Educational about poetry! Anna also
mentioned the objectives of Carol's presentation. And the very enthusiastic
intro from Anna made the perfect platform for Carol's poems.
Carol first introduced the
writer of her poems: Banjo Paterson and that she had been reading his poems
from when she was 9 years old, so these poems are very personal for Carol.
The first poem Carol presented
was ‘Clancy of the Overflow’.
And the second poem from Banjo
was ‘The Man from Ironbark’.
In the evaluation Anna thanked Carol for her choice for a different presentation and especially the
presentation of POEMS! In her evaluation Anna expressed her knowledge about
poems and how important it is to match your pronunciation, speed, tone and depth
of your voice to present your poem. With that Anna did give some descriptive
pronunciation examples that were very hilarious, and even more
Anna also offered her knowledge
to any Pania Toastmaster speaker if they would like to present a poem but would
prefer some support.
Patrick, summed up the meeting very well as the General Evaluator assisted by the Timekeeper?Grammarian, Darryl who had some wonderful new words for us to utilise and we finished on time, well done Paula!(ED)
At the end of our Pania
Toastmasters meeting Paula asked our guests if they would make a short comment
about how they experienced the meeting and they all were very pleased and
mentioned to look forward to come back again. Next week we have an extended meeting with lunch and do not forget the ART DECO theme!!
This weeks Awards go to:
Best Speaker: Carol
Best Table Topics: Israel
Best Evaluator: Anna
Thursday, 31 January 2019
Linda ran a "happy and
positive" meeting setting the scene with her bright smiling sun on the Agenda
and her references to all the warmth and sunshine we are experiencing right now.
With only 3 apologies and 2 guests, almost a full house!
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