Club No 1996

Club No 1996

Sunday, 2 August 2020


Hello everyone!  Pania Toastmasters welcomes you.  What a great meeting we had today.  Very good speeches.  Thoughtful evaluations.  Wonderful atmosphere.  Come along to our Thursday meetings.   Read more:

Lou was our Toastmaster for the day.  Thanks for setting such a high standard and keeping within time.

Hannah was our first speaker with a speech titled "The word on teachers" and what a very good speech it was!  What captured my attention was her dressing up as a school teacher.  It certainly helped set the scene for what was to follow.  The speech content was both interesting and informative.  Tamara provided a well balanced evaluation covering aspects such as use of notes, body movement and speech rate.  Liked that Tamara placed emphasis on giving praise.  Well done both of you.

Carol was our second speaker.  Her speech was called "Oh the places you go".  It was an Ice breaker speech.  Carol captured audience attention right from the outset and held it until the very last word.  The word pictures and humour woven into the speech were very good.  Peter provided a well thought out evaluation which highlighted his ability to not only understand but also appreciate Carol's efforts.  Well done both of you.    

Table Topics was next on the agenda.  Craig our Table Topic Master had obviously done his homework.  Congratulations not only for the subjects but the way in which the session was presented.  Nice to have something a wee bit different.

Benita was asked to talk as if she was at the top of TeMata Peak.  Good imagination.  Very good response.
Patrick Spoke about Star Wars.  Laid back approach.  Led into topic very well.
Jen Spoke about Zimbabwee and did it very well.  Very serious and meaningful.
Anna Escaped from quarantine. Gave a sort of one handed gesture?

Laurel evaluated Table Topics and gave all the speakers excellent feedback and some suggestions for improvement, she felt that the Topics were excellent and the fact that everyone was able to quickly speak to their respective topic clarified this.
Pedro Excellent report with regard to his timekeeping task.  Clear, concise, complete while Lou rounded the meeting off well and as stated right to time.

Best speaker;  Carol
Best evaluator;  Peter
Best Table Topic; Anna
Wanted to thank Lou congratulating her on an excellent job as well as having the presence of mind to write up today's meeting on the white board.

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