Club No 1996

Club No 1996

Wednesday 12 December 2018


Today's meeting of Pania Toastmasters was the last for 2018 and we celebrated with a mixture of food, refreshments and off course Table Topics! President Marc led the festivities with the use of some topics from a game provided by Carol.

All who attended participated as we ate, drank (non-alcoholic off course!) and shared our thoughts on various topics placed on the whiteboard, from which we could choose one to speak about. The range of topics was as wide as the range of answers from Ideal Job, Ideal Travel Destination, The most Difficult Decision you had to make, Someone Perfect to Share your Life with etc etc.

Everyone spoke well to their topic as we just stood around like at a function and chatted.

It was an excellent 'laid back' way to finish off another good year for the Club and with several new members over the past few months we are eagerly looking forward to 2019, hearing their thoughts on Table Topic subjects and off course their prepared speeches as they make their way along their chosen Path. Off course, we also look forward to hearing from the longer term members, whose experience and guidance assists all the members to grow in their Toastmaster's journey.

Thanks to all the members that attended today and for the wide range of 'goodies' we had to eat and drink. To those who were unable to make today's meeting we do hope that you have an excellent Christmas break and a very prosperous and happy 2019.

To every member of Pania Toastmaster's Club I personally wish you a very Merry Christmas and look forward to seeing you all again on THURSDAY 24th January for our first meeting of 2019.


1 comment:

  1. Thank you, yesterday was great.

    Wishing you all the very best for the festive season and see you next year!

