Club No 1996

Club No 1996

Thursday 31 January 2019


Linda ran a "happy and positive" meeting setting the scene with her bright smiling sun on the Agenda and her references to all the warmth and sunshine we are experiencing right now. With only 3 apologies and 2 guests, almost a full house!

The room was a gorgeous temp with the air conditioning providing the cool air to help us stay refreshed. The room was well set up as we were almost a full house, starting on time and transitioning through the welcome including inviting Craig to introduce his guest, Gordon and Jen to introduce Israel. Not the All Black, however as Jen put it, just as good looking.

Mike had an interesting moment introducing the 'Star Performer' Anna and reflecting on the "new" electronic system Toastmasters uses. The evaluation was strong and included how Anna had managed to meet her objective of telling a story within a story. Valuable feedback and recognition that the lectern could have been to the side to open the space between speaker and audience. Also a great closing of the evaluation repeating the topic as well as reminding us what GAD stood for. (General Anxiety Disorder)

Anna's speech on The Sad, Gad and Bad was entertaining and educational. An intriguing opening with great use of visual descriptive language, emotive tonality, pauses and body gestures. There was a nice segway from the story of her son into her personal journey on anxiety.

We were educated on current statistic of 1 in 4 people would experience some kind of anxiety. What I also loved was the credit and recognition given to the expert in the room and a reminder that the speaker was sharing a story and we were not being given any advice.

We were entertained as Anna shared her story of preparing for the high school ball with descriptions so we could see, hear and perhaps feel what Anna was going through at that time.

The close was strong also with "I have anxiety and I am ok with it." A happy ending to a personal and vulnerable story.

General business included gratitude shared to those that helped with the sausage sizzle and the guest that was there today as a direct result of seeing the team on Sunday. Good outcome, perhaps we'll see more guests in the future - especially if the day for the next sizzle is not as hot .... or the team sells ice creams.

Jen delighted us with her reflection on what Patrick was like speaking only 3 years ago when he first came spoke at Toastmasters. She also gave information on what was going on for our guests so everyone felt included and understood what was happening.

The positive introduction and edification of Patrick put the expectations pretty high and Patrick did not disappoint.

We were gifted the personal story of where and how Patrick's interest in entrepreneurship began in his Mum's record shop as an 11 year old in his speech titled "Catch Them Young". For 10 years Patrick was coached, mentored and inspired by his Mum.

There was innovation and sales training and challenges faced with changes such as the introduction of cassette tapes, CD's and the inevitable large chain stores and Internet. Patrick also shared with us how he was able to learn to adapt and change  through the business coaching and mentoring he received finishing off with as an entrepreneur he has the motivation to learn, explore and see what happens next.

Jen shared her thoughts on what a gift and blessing of having a mother as a mentor would have been. There were many positive thoughts shared and the "big stand out moment" was hearing the mentoring quote about learning and finding out about yourself. The ending of the story was a touch abrupt as it didn't feel like we had been listening for 7 minutes.

Gratitude was shared for the personal, motivational and insightful information shared in the speeches today flowed through into the energetic and positive way Carol lead the table topics with her box of stirrers ... bit like a box of chocolates, no one knew what they were going to get.

Julie courageously started with 'What are 3 things she likes about herself'
and we were given a lovely insight into Julie's gift of being a natural host. Her face lit up as she shared her passion for the people she gets to meet and mix with through her B&B. We learnt about her appreciation of animals and Julie's humour too for the third point which was Julie appreciates "fairness".
Darryl spoke next on 'What Could he do Without in the Fridge' and shared his love for milk coffee. Or is that coffee milk and often volunteers to go get the milk so he can grab the coffee flavoured one so he can enjoy it regularly.
Lou chose "in what would you best like to Succeed at'. This was lovely as Lou reminded us that she has already succeeded at many things including Motherhood, Wife and Gardner. Her focus right now is to be the best Marriage Celebrant she can be and we were given an insight into the steps Lou has taken to become a celebrant. Informative and structured - lots of information covered in the time.
Paula sumarised the meeting extremely well in the time available as General Evaluator, ably assisted by the Timekeeper, Jenni.(ED)

Julie took out the best table topic for the day and Paula was quite torn in her decision for best speaker. However, in the end she chose Anna with Craig(Table Topics ) taking out the best evaluator award for the day.

Thank you all for your contributions to make today's Pania Toastmaster meeting such an enjoyable space to be in. Both guests thought it was "great" as well.

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