Club No 1996

Club No 1996


Resources for Members

There are many resources available to you as a speaker, club member and club officer. These include:

  • The Toastmaster Magazine
  • Toastmaster Publications
  • Your Speech Manuals
  • Club Officer Manuals
  • Toastmaster Videos & DVDs
  • Books, and the
  • Interent

The Toastmaster Magazine

The Toastmaster Magazine is published monthly by Toastmasters International, and posted to every Toastmaster. It contains a range of interesting articles about communication, personal and professional development, and leadership skills. Current Toastmaster news and events of interest are also included.

Toastmaster Publications

Toastmasters International also publishes a wide range of pamphlets, books and manuals to assist you in your communication and leadership challenges, and these are available from the New Zealand District Supplies Catalogue.

Your Toastmaster Speech Manuals

The Competent Communicator and Competent Leader Manuals, and the 15 Advanced Speech Manuals have a wide variety of speaking tips and hints to help you in your public speaking activities. These range from how to use your voice, body language and gestures, organising your speech, using words and visual aids effectively and how to persuade, inspire, and inform your audience.

Evaluation guides are included with each speaking assignment for your evaluator. These are completed during and immediately after you deliver a speech, and form the basis of the oral evaluation given by your evaluator at the club meeting. The evaluations also become a rich resource of ideas and suggestions about what you could do better or differently when you give your next speech, or a similar type of speech in the future. The Programmes page on the Toastmasters New Zealand website has a detailed explanation of the contents of these manuals.

Toastmasters Club Officer Manuals

All Club Officers are given a Toastmasters Leadership Manual specific to their role. These manuals explain the duties they are expected to perform as a club officer, how Toastmasters works, an explanation of the educational and leadership programme, along with a calendar of events, sample forms, and other resources each club officer needs during their term. Club Officers also attend two District-sponsored training sessions per year to learn how to fulfill their role.

Toastmaster Videos & DVDs

Toastmasters New Zealand has a library of videotapes and cassette tapes of past international speech contests, books and training resources for free use by club members. Check the Resources page on the Toastmasters New Zealand website, or email the District Librarian with your request.


There are a large number of books about developing effective speaking skills. You can search, the world's largest online bookstore, or browse your local bookstores.


The Toastmasters New Zealand website also has a range of free resources available on table topics, evaluations, coaching, presentations, contests, introductions and chairing meetings. You can also search Google using keywords, such as public speaking, toastmasters, evaluations, table topics, wedding speeches, chairing a meeting, etc to find websites of interest.