Club No 1996

Club No 1996

Sunday, 5 May 2019


Pania Meeting Report for 2nd May 2019

Grateful for almost a full house – 2 guests, with our new members, it was really lovely to not see chairs for people sitting on them!
Lou ran a great meeting, warm and welcoming open (in true Lou style) backed up by Jen (grammarian) who chose the word ‘Gratitude’. This became the theme of the day with each member using gratitude or a variation of that in some form when they spoke.
Only her second visit and our guest Bonita felt comfortable enough to read the Mission Statement – credit to Lou for checking in prior to meeting start – and this was the way the meeting flowed. Special mention was given to welcome Graeme back.
Laurel introduced Israel with her great use of ‘Gratitude’. She shared the background of what an icebreaker speech is all about including the what, why and how of an icebreaker to educate us, guests and refresh members.
Israel from Mexico entertained and educated us so we could learn more about him see his skills in action as he commanded the stage and managed to get a message or two across about his English and Spanish language and personality. Laurel’s evaluation included many commendations and recognition of the talent we witnessed and only a couple of recommendations. Again, there were fabulous education opportunities shared through listening to experienced evaluators sharing their feedback.
Lou took the opportunity to bring in General Business where Patrick reminded us of the TM event in Hamilton this weekend. Laurel reminded us that it’s not just about the contests, there is also going to be the election process happening. Next year this will be held in Napier and it was encouraged for 100% attendance and participation.
Change of pace as Carol introduced Jenni who spoke on ‘Toxic Positivity’. A well-researched topic with opportunities to challenge our own behaviours and thinking to avoid this toxic positivity “trap”.  Beautifully acknowledged with by the grateful Carol who shared her passion on this topic, insights as well as commendations and recommendations. I particularly liked how Carol stepped forward with her beaming smile as Jenni came to the front of the room – this act helped the speaker to feel welcomed even more and perhaps even help rid one or two of the nerves. Nice touch Carol, thank you.
Julie educated us on earthquakes, natural disasters and also the latest in land movement (causing earthquakes) of Mount Hikurangi – setting the scene of the well thought out and pre-planned Table Topics questions.
Sahar delighted us with her childhood experiences and the differences she noticed in the two countries including her experience with emergency evacuation at work (Napier).
Wonderful to see Graeme demonstrating his experience and delight with table topics. ‘We learned just what was in his emergency ‘grab bag’’ and how this still sits on his “to do” list.
Bonita shared with confidence and conviction why we should not re-build Napier in the same place if the city should be decimated by an earthquake. We heard the reasons why she felt this way including the current book she is reading - it certainly got me thinking.
Russell showed his experience as he shared he does not have a plan for at risk elderly friends or family if there was an emergency. What he did share was his wisdom and practical thoughts on how he would imagine he would respond at looking after himself and Jane if he was to experience such an experience including a wee quote “we do not know what we do not know”.
Julie then closed out the table topics with more advice if we were to experience a natural disaster and reminded us by showing us the Civil Defence reference material available in the phone book.
Sandy’s evaluation of the table topics credited each speaker for their input, experiences and addressing an important topic with such honesty. Sandy offered some good insights, commendations and some recommendations. (as each evaluator does as part of their role)
Wrapping up, Jen charmed us with a reminder of the phrases and words of gratitude shared throughout the talks. With her humour and commentary she summed up the meeting leaving space for Patrick to race through his time keeper’s report which he did very well, asking if any of the speakers wanted their time specifically. Great idea!
Bonita: best Table Topic
Laurel: best Evaluator
Israel: best Speaker

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