Club No 1996

Club No 1996

Tuesday, 23 April 2019


Pania Toastmasters 11/4/2019
Struggling with the penguin speech

Our meeting on 11th of April started on time with our good looking Toastmaster Patrick!!!!.
After a word of welcome, introduction of our guest and the apologies Patrick smoothly moved on to the introduction for our first speaker.

Craig introduced Sandy with a reference to Sandy's  enormous improvements over the last year and his high expectations for this speech together with the objectives.

In the first few minutes of her speech Sandy was very insecure, stumbling and trying to prevent eye contact all the time. It was clear this did not reflect Sandy's  recent developments, and to everyone’s relief she told us that this was typically how she acted in meetings before she joined Toastmasters. Sandy's  speech was about how Toastmasters worked in her favour to get more confidence and also develop the necessary skills to make and present outstanding speeches. In an appealing way Sandy talked in more detail about how she improved specific important competences. This speech, from Sandy, was not only very interesting, convincing and very well preformed, this was one of the best speeches to promote Toastmasters!

Craig in his evaluation  deservedly mentioned it was difficult to find any suggestions and praised Sandy for her recent improvements and especially how she was able to highlight what Toastmasters is about and why Toastmasters is that important.

Lou introduced our next speaker Anna with a vivid description of the setting for Anna her speech in The National Aquarium for a whole bunch of kids!

The purpose of Anna's speech is to explain and educate kids about the beautiful endemic species in New Zealand a lot of which are almost extinct! The moment the last New Zealand Tuatara dies, they are gone! This is a huge responsibility we, and our kinds, are responsible for and Anna  with her presentation was able to make this clear in a very exuberant, vibrant, enthusiastic and humorous way. Well done Anna. She also mentioned a few different endemic species, some funny facts about the egg/body ratio of kiwi’s (biggest ever!) and from the Blue Penguins in the Aquarium the amusing ‘personal’ details from: Dorin, Drago, Captain, Flip and Lou Lou. Anna's  presentation made me aware of how beautiful and also fragile the New Zealand environment is.

The evaluation from Lou acknowledged all the strong points in Anna her presentation and she mentioned a few recommendations that were helpful to Anna to improve her presentation for the preservation of the New Zealand endemic species for the upcoming generations.

Today’s TableTopics were presented by Julie and this was her first time TableTopics! She did really well with awesome topics derived from different Dr. Seuss quotes.
Sahar told us about the parachuting she never did because her fear of heights.
Sandy challenged us to invite people to ask themselves how to change the world for the better.
Craig told a very personal story about how proud he is regarding the training he did as a kid for the winning race horse from the stables of his father.
And Lou wants to steer her life in the direction to get long livity, to become 100 years old and she aims to to that with a lot of easy exercises.

Carol evaluated the outstanding TableTopics and she did that like she always does with all her energy and enthusiasm. Each and every TableTopic speaker got a very detailed, comprehensive and helpful feedback and Lou was the best TableTopic for today.

In the General Evaluation Patrick complimented the outstanding, and handsome, Toastmaster of this meeting.(PS The Toastmaster and General Evaluator were both Patrick-one and the same-they do say self-praise is no recommendation!! ED)  He acknowledged the excessive quality of the speakers for today and complimented the evaluators for their knowledge and ability to give the right feedback for all the speakers. He was assisted by the Timekeeper, Michael, who kept us well to time.

Best Table Topics;Lou
Best Speaker; Sandy
Best Evaluator; Carol

After that our Toastmaster asked for feedback from our guest, welcomed us all for the next meeting(no meeeting 25th April-Anzac Day next meeting 2nd May) and closed the meeting.

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