ran a good meeting with the theme ‘Benefits of Rain’ and asked Sahar to
introduce her guest which was her husband, Medon.
and thanks were given to Marc for the new music stand – very helpful and
appreciated by all.
introduction of Anna gave us a good insight and background into the project that
she was working on from an Advanced Manual 'Facilitating Discussion' Project Three – 'The Problem Solving Discussion' which many of us “newbies” haven’t
seen. Helpful and powerful as Anna wasn’t giving a speech so much as an excerpt
of a presentation on “3 Locals, A Global Mess and Powerful Source to
interesting information shared, and Anna certainly grabbed our [audience]
attention when she held a banana and a Kumara and asked us to consider where we
would put these …. Bold opening and in usual Anna style, filled with good
information, humour and gratitude for the people who supported her and
contributed to her research. A 10-minute spot with discussion and input of ideas
from the audience on how we could look at ways Pania as a club could support
reducing the carbon footprint.
food for thought not only for the club, ourselves personally. Thanks
Business by Jen was specific and to the point. Get your RSVP’s in for dinner
on Thursday 27th.
gave us a delightful introduction of Israel including background on what the
purpose of his talk was going to be. The language and articulation together with
mannerisms and gratitude and compassion for the speaker continue [I feel] to
raise the standards at Pania Toastmasters Club.
the Most to Gain the Least” topic for Israel’s entertaining and intriguing story
about a boy with his hand stuck in a very expensive vase. It was almost a Fable
(in my eyes) with underlying messages of hanging on to something (in this case a
penny) and not wanting to drop that inexpensive item [or behaviour] and it is
resulting in significant loss. Financial or otherwise.
was able to blend this with some personal anecdotes and wonderful summary and
question he posed to us [audience] to consider ‘what are we holding on to that
perhaps is costing us more to not let it go?’
Graeme brought his experience and wisdom again with the table topics asking us to
choose a number, he would give a word as topic to speak on, then part way
through the TT, he would add another word and just like that, speaker would have
to change topic mid-sentence – or certainly mid-thought.
were grateful to have this “new” TT technique lead by Havelock North Toastmaster
member and Pania guest, Sarah. She spoke about ‘Orange’ and shared stories of
her experiences teaching in Japan. Then was given ‘Drinks’ and Sarah
effortlessly transitioned the story to orange drinks in Japan.
with Mike’s presence, Graeme snapped up the opportunity to give him the word
‘Silver’ to talk on. Mike was his passionate self, sharing with us that Silver
was his favourite colour and how Mike loved all things silver. The second word
was ‘hair’ and Mike emphasised that he has silver hair and wears this as a
‘badge of age’, that he is “aged and wise”. Then he was escorted off stage –
very entertaining for all.
was given the word ‘Pink’ and shared her dislike for the colour and when she was
given her second word of ‘girls’ that was quite timely because Benita was
speaking about her daughter and how the colour pink has impacted her life and
choices since Benita threw out a pair of pink plastic shoes that belonged to her
daughter. An “empowering Parental moment” Benita shared and picked up the
best TT award.
educated us during his evaluation of Anna’s talk giving great advice and
pointers for us all to consider as well as commendations that were well
deserved. Emphasis has been for each TM to choose whether they want to print an
Agenda or not. Some members prefer this, others do not – whomever is the TM of
the day will choose what they do.
evaluation was also educational by way of articulation of language and choices
of words to describe her take on Israel’s speech. Quote: “Israel’s comfort level
in front of the audience was exemplary” and “total pleasure”
evaluator Jenny used the new higher music stand to free up her hands and gesture
and commend the TT speakers as well as TTM. Beautiful smile, great energy and
great word pictures.
Paula rounded the meeting of , with a full General Evaluator's report, as for a change we had time 'up our sleeve' and was well assisted by Sahar as Timekeeper. (Ed)
Evaluator Award: Julie
Speaker: Israel
TT Award: Benita
closed on time, thanks everyone.
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