Club No 1996

Club No 1996

Saturday, 23 November 2019


How do you identify a leader?"   "Believe!"   These were the titles given by our two excellent speakers at the Pania Toastmasters meeting on Thursday 21st November.   Read more

The best way to describe Benita our first time Toastmaster was "enthusiastic."   What a meeting it was!  Benita also showed she had given considerable thought to the meeting by using words such as "Always time to talk" and "Movember" (Including a drawing to match the occasion).  Thank you Benita for making such a meaningful contribution.

Sandy introduced Sahar (our first speaker) by outlining the requirements of her speech "How do you identify a leader?"  Sahar began by asking questions and received a very good response.  In fact the audience almost took over!  Great that Sahar regained control by sharing her own experiences and gave a very good summary to conclude.  Thanks Sahar for sharing something quite personal.  Certainly made us think! 

Sandy evaluated Sahar by providing very positive feedback which must have made her feel really good with regard to the progress she is making.  Aspects praising her speech structure, body language and slowing down her speech rate were most encouraging.  Keeping within the time frame was recommended.  Thanks Sandy.  Pania is fortunate to have people like you to not only help but also encourage newer members.

Craig introduced Lou by showing he had done his homework.  Liked that he created interest especially with it being Lou's final speech from her Competent Communication manual.  The title "Believe" was very apt.  Lou told us how she was able to help a student accept challenge as part of her life.  Very meaningful and made a big impression.  Well done you.  Congratulations Lou.

Craig experience showed and he balanced his evaluation very nicely by giving more praise than recommendation.  Lou was fortunate to have someone with Craig's experience.  His contribution is always appreciated.  Thanks very much Craig.  

 Table Topics with Laurel was "different" and very interesting.  Laurel used sayings in order to invoke a reaction from those taking part.

Michael received  "I'm no good at it".  Michael's response was as if he had been waiting for this type of subject for a long, long time.  Lots of humour, well told, most enjoyable.

 Paula "If I could go back in time".  A surprising answer that was very well explained and made a whole lot of sense.  Thought provoking.

Mehran "My friends describe me as".  A meaningful answer, sincere, well thought through.

Thank you Leigh for your interesting evaluation of Table Topics.  Always appreciated.  Thank you very much.

Graeme gave an excellent General Evaluation and had time to do so for a change.(Ed)Anna gave her Timekeeper's report which clearly reflected how well people kept within their allotted time frame.

Best Speaker         Sahar
Best Evaluator      Sandy    
Best Table Topics  Paula

Another GREAT meeting.   Thanks everyone!

Come along and see for yourself!

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