Club No 1996

Club No 1996

Wednesday, 20 February 2019


A small turnout of members and one guest attended Pania meetings today and Education was the order of the day!

We started with Craig giving us details of the Evaluation Contest to be held next week and several questions from the members demonstrated a keen interest in the Contest , so hopefully we will have good participation. Any member can enter and it is a great way for newer members to practise their Evaluation skills and pick up some excellent tips from some of the experienced members. You do not need to enter to win (although someone must do that!) but for the experience of Evaluating a speech and hearing other's opinions on the same speech. remember timing 2-3minutes and disqualified if over 3.30secs. GO FOR IT!!

After a brief business session, when members were reminded of the Club Leadership Training next Tuesday night (we need at least four members of the Executive there) and that Napier Club are holding their Evaluation and International Speech Contests on Monday 25th February and everyone is welcome to attend we had a very interesting and informative presentation from V/P Ed Patrick, who had discovered an excellent training program on Pathways prepared by the District Director of District 57 and this is entirely relevant to us as well. It is clear and concise and would have been great to have 12 months ago when Pathways commenced. Look it up if you are having problems with Pathways, Patrick is going to send out the link to all members.

Then followed and assignment from Pathways for Patrick , where he was required to be the Table Topics Master and give a brief report back to each speaker to show that he was listening actively to what they said. The assignment was appropriately called "Active Listening". Patrick achieved this extremely well and was able to comment sensibly on each speaker's answer to their question.
Those taking part were Carol, with what she enjoyed the most about something she had learnt/ studied,Lou, with the most important thing she had learnt and how to teach it, and our second time guest Tesha, with what was her best school year and why.
They all acquitted themselves extremely well and received many favourable commendations from Paula, the Table Topics Evaluator, who was also able in the brief time available to offer some  very worthwhile suggestions to the speakers.
Best Table Topic went to Tesha.

That was it for this week, remember the Evaluation Contest next week, if you REALLY do not want to enter, please come along as we do need an audience!

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