Club No 1996

Club No 1996

Saturday, 19 October 2019


Pania Blog – Thursday 17 October 2019
Although we were a little light on members today (14), this was still an entertaining and thought- provoking meeting with two excellent speeches and evaluations, three challenging, but fun table topics, an informative business session and short but effective reports. Apologies were received from Graeme, Leigh, Marc ,Tamara and Hannah.

Our Toastmaster of the Day was Lou, who presented a clear run sheet to keep us on track.  Lou started on time and kept us to time as she welcomed each programme presenter with warmth and enthusiasm.  Lou read the Mission Statement out loud and suggested it would benefit us to learn it off by heart.  Lou’s warmth and sincerity were similar to a cuddle, which helped us to relax throughout the meeting. Feedback for Lou was to maintain her introductory handshake with all speakers and  to introduce the apologies and move ‘that they be received’, before asking for mover, seconder, and vote.

First on the agenda was our Grammarian Craig, who challenged us to demonstrate the word of the day, Perspicuity – meaning to have ‘clarity and insight’. This word encourages a demonstration of the meaning, rather than just using the word, so it was an educational challenge for us.  This was definitely demonstrated by both speakers today. Craig also placed a visual aid on the wall facing our speakers, which demonstrated his own perspicuity.
Craig’s evaluative feedback was clear and demonstrated excellent listening as he commented on how well the word has been demonstrated. He also reminded us to be mindful of our ums and errs as well as being aware of the use of pace and pause.  Craig used good humour and was also reminded to be aware of voice fade toward the end of sentences.
Our Timekeeper, Sandy, kept us to time and maintained that standard throughout. Her report was also succinct and clear.
Paula then introduced out first speaker Pedro, with the topic ‘Is it time for a Global Currency?  Paula explained the Pathway supporting this speech and gave a brief background as to why this speech was important to Pedro. This may not have been a topic that most of us have considered, so it was a thought provoking and passionate delivery by Pedro, which may encourage more thought about our individual opinions.

Paula evaluated Pedro’s speech and congratulated him on his in-depth research and excellent statistics.  Paula suggested that he could use a visual aid, such as Power Point to help in the explanation of his research, which would also help in further clarifying our understanding. This would also add more emphasis to the ending. The general evaluator commented on Paula’s friendly and supportive comments and helpful recommendations.

Jen then introduced our second speaker, Mehran, explaining his specific objectives and purpose. Jen then explained Mehran’s specific challenges based on feedback from his previous speech and gave us his title ’The Pale Blue Dot!’  This was a thought-provoking topic as it challenged beliefs In whether man is responsible for the eventual demise of our planet. In her feedback Jen thought Mehran’s speech was very good and gave us more insight into what makes him tick. Her first commendation was that he was brave to contest the populous theory in such a mixed audience!  Her second was that Mehran used excellent slides, which were clear and interesting, and left them up long enough for us to read and digest them.  Jen’s recommendation was that he either ensure the technology is ready to go or ask someone to check it for him as he is introduced. Jen concluded by stating that Mehran met his personal objectives, which were to not pace up and down and to present your speech within the allocated time. She believed both these objectives were met. Jen concluded by saying the we enjoyed his speech as it was something that she doubted others had considered and it gave us much to think about. Her take away, was the fact that he suggested we have become full of our own self-importance and had not realised our real place in the great scheme of things.  Jen concluded by thanking Mehran for having the courage of his commitments.

Table Topics was next on our agenda, ably presented by Anna with a range of topics based on ‘When you were moving?’  She explained by asking the speakers to explain how they decided between certain items that could have held meaning?’
The first speaker, Sehar, was asked ‘what happens when you pick your books?
Israel was then given two toys (one of which is now illegal to sell) and asked ‘Which one goes, which one stays?
Peter (2nd time guest) was given a painting, which seemed to be by a child’s hand, and was asked ‘does Art go or stay?
All speakers spoke to each topic very clearly and with humour and passion, producing highly entertaining stories which may suggest this topic was quite familiar!  The questions did not appear to challenge them at all, and those of us listening were highly entertained.

Michael had the unenviable role of evaluating our impromptu speakers – and this was also his first time doing so!  He was well prepared for this duty and produced at least one good commendation and recommendation for each of our speakers.  Well done Michael! 

Awards:               Best Speaker – Mehron for his bravery in bringing a controversial topic in a way that made us think and possibly challenge our perspectives. 
Best Evaluator – Jen for her meaningful, well considered feedback, through solid commendations and recommendations!
Best Table Topic – Israel for his entertaining explanation of his beloved toys!

Another energising meeting!  Well done to everyone!

General Evaluator - Laurel Francis


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