What a fantastic
meeting, on the 4th of August, with two stunning, very personal
speeches, which were unforgettable!
It kicked off with a
great start with warm introductions to the two guests Liz, Patrick’s wife and
Allyson. Marc had a great template for the meeting and linked his David Lange
quote in beautifully. He also linked comments in between each item particularly
Darryl and Patrick’s speeches and kept the meeting moving forward
Both speeches had a
strong moral or message. For Darryl it was going outside his comfort zone and
how this allowed him to enjoy his new found
interest in acting and theatre. This was a very well structured speech. Darryl
used powerful personal stories of always feeling like he had ‘a monkey on his
back’ and how he was able to beat his shyness by going to toastmasters and to
get involved in drama classes and now a production!
Wendy introduced and
evaluated Darryl and told us a bit of ‘tittle tattle’ him preferring his
steak medium rare steak and his favourite colour being green. She commented on
the structure of his talk ‘a monkey on my back’, his strong beginning, vocal
variety and repeat use of the refrain ‘no way’. She only had one recommendation
and she suggested he use pause more but her overall evaluation of Darryl’s speech
was very positive and commended him for sharing such an effective personal
For Patrick it was always being able to out perform his own
expectations, make the best out of life and know your limitations. Wow was a
message! Patrick had a massive motorbike accident 12 years ago which
dramatically affected his legs. He had to endure months of rehab and countless
medical procedures.
He started very
strongly as a ‘homie’ and revealed his legs slowly by pulling up his tracksuit
pants. This was stunning as we were all wondering which exactly of his ‘public
parts’ he was going to reveal. Patrick spoke confidently, fluently and
powerfully about his story with his legs and how he’s been able to still achieve
and to nail his goals and to push his own expectations.
Kerry introduced and
evaluated Patrick and challenged us to think about what we were doing 12 years
ago (when Patrick has his accident). She added at the end ‘I told you it was
going to be good’ and commented on his ‘powerful body language’. She gave
thoughtful feedback on setting up the stage beforehand and recording himself.This was a 'model' evaluation, which I hope everyone took note of.
Jane controlled
table topics effectively with issues and the topics covering obesity through to
a capital gains tax for Auckland. Ian won the award for his very funny thoughts
about his sugar consumption.
Carol as evaluator
was very encouraging commented on the humour which was matched by her laughter.
I am really looking
forward to seeing Daryl perform in October, please books some seats please!
This meeting was a real testimony to the power of toastmasters.
And remember to keep
pushing out your pitch and open the jaw more, yah, yah, yah!
Best Speaker; Patrick
Best Table Topic; Ian
Best Evaluator; Carol
I thought that the meeting was as perfect a meeting as one could hope. Well done.