The Contest was chaired by Craig and visiting judges from Napier Club, Chris, Ian and our own Laurel decided on the winners. The times were ably kept by David and Helen.Guests included,Jan,James K (from Napier Club),Karen(David's daughter) and a big welcome back to ...... Jeanette!
First up was Russell, with "Our Super Club" relating tales of this fictitious! sports club 'Wanderers' ,the members of which were there for the Social occasions , not playing soccer! They were never going to win the FA Cup (because they were not in England) or the World Cup (because they were not a Nation!!)

Next was Barbara with "Communication Breakdown",Barbara, as we know from past experience is a talented speaker and this showed with plenty of 'typos' that have occurred in her role as a PA related to us, some of which left her in most embarrassing situations! "there will be insufficient room for the staff to shit on the stage"

Then followed Carol with "The White Warrior", this was an amusing account of her security system , a small white fluffy dog, and the great things that dogs can and cannot get up to, like did you know that dogs are not smooth talkers-they go rough, rough, rough! and there were many more!

Jane was next with "Eccentric Teaching Colleagues", Jane shared with us some of the colleagues she taught with in Brisbane, an amusing account of a few of her teacher colleagues-but thank goodness they were not all eccentric! an alcoholic music teacher that would not be a sobering note!

Last but not least we had Anna with "Stroppy Old Woman's Online Adventures" an intriguing title that lived up to it! Anna told us about 'her' adventures with internet dating and how it used to be soooo good in the past when you went to "the pub' and could study the talent!!.He is out there Anna-you just have to find him!

A great contest, where everyone who entered was a winner! but at the end there can be only one who goes onto the next level at the Area Meeting on 2nd September and that was Barbara (for the seventh time in a row in this Contest -a tremendous effort!!!) 2nd place went to Anna and Carol was third.
Thanks to all involved- next week we revert back to an 'ordinary' meeting where the Toastmaster is Marc- see you all there!!
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