Club No 1996

Club No 1996

Friday, 19 February 2016


Meeting report from 18th February. This was a meeting with a difference !
The title "Gym Bunny" alludes to one of the four speeches given during the course of Pania's International Speech Contest. Read more

We were fortunate to have Christine, Steve and Chris come to our meeting and help judge this very important contest. Thanks guy's !
The International Speech is the show case of Toastmaster talent and provides not only a speaking opportunity, but also gives speakers the chance to maybe compete at the World Championship of Public speaking in America. Imagine that !

David, our first speaker, gave some interesting thoughts with his speech entitled "Hobby Horse". Surprise, surprise he did include brewing beer! A highlight for me was the research required. David explained this aspect very well. He also emphasized the need to always try and extend one's knowledge. It was obvious that David had more than one string to his bow. A thought provoking speech told with lots of enthusiasm.  Well done !
Our second contestant was  "Gym Bunny" Linda . Linda took us on a delightful journey into the high's and low's of what it was like to go from couch potato to "Gym Bunny". Some hilarious moments ( for us, not Linda ) ! Excellent use  of body language to illustrate what was said. Linda's openess and honesty came through very strongly. Thank you Linda for sharing a very important milestone.  Great message !  
Barbara chose "Time to say goodbye" as her speech title. Barbara used photographs of her Mum and Dad to emphasize her earlier days. The storyline captured that time quite vividly. One could sense not only, audience attention but Barbara herself also relived the occasion. A very moving speech told with sincerity and conviction. What wonderful memories ! Thank you !
Fourth speaker was Jen.  Her title was "Start the conversation" This was a very serious speech. Jen related a talk held with her mother asking what she wanted when she dies. The nature of the topic certainly captured everyone's attention. Jen was able to combine her knowledge and mothers response, extremely well. This helped lighten the overall message to one of acceptance and appreciation.  Very good reminder !
Our judges Christine, Steve and Chris then had the unenviable task of choosing first and second places.
Results were:
First          Jen
Second     Linda

Congratulations and thanks to all those in attendance.
Come along and enjoy what Pania has to offer.
Love to see you ! 

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