Club No 1996

Club No 1996

Friday, 3 July 2015


As you can tell (from the heading above) Pania's meeting on Thursday 2nd July was one with a difference!  Thanks to Ian for organising and Chairing such an interesting programme.

It was great to have Emma as our guest today and Mike was also back with us,welcome back Mike!
 Barbara's session was interesting in that she chose a 'getting to know you' theme where members were paired off and asked to learn a little more about one another.After what seemed a very short time Barbara then asked us a series of eight questions, such as "what was your friends middle name?";"what high school did they go to?" and "what colour eyes does your friend have?".Needless to say some did quite well while others not so good, an excellent session from Barbara, it certainly emphasised the need to keep in touch with one another!

Darryl gave us some insight into a character 'Mad Mick the Legend', and what tale he told! things such as Mick being 65 years old, married four times and lived in Australia, 1000kms west of Brisbane. We heard Mick's views on Dingos, horses and kangaroos. Darryl was fortunate to have such a person stay at his place albeit for only two hours. A believable story told with an almost discernible Australian accent.
Helen provided positive feedback to Darryl with some helpful suggestions.

Wendy gave Table Topics (also with a difference), members were asked to pick out four pieces of paper on which words such as tennis,cheese,book, bike etc were written and talk on each one for one minute. What a challenge! Jen, Noel,Mike and Emma took part and a great response from everyone, congratulations.
Graeme, as General Evaluator, provided feedback to all those taking part and he placed emphasis on Barbara,Helen and Wendy's efforts along with that of Ian and David (Timekeeper).

Emma ,our guest, was congratulated on not only taking part in Table Topics (not compulsory for guests) but also in doing so well.

Best Speaker; Emma
Best Evaluator; Helen
Best Table Topics; Mike

We do it all again on 9th July, be there!

Thanks again to Graeme for writing this report.

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