Club No 1996

Club No 1996

Thursday, 6 March 2014


CHANGES were certainly well discussed at Pania's meeting on 6th March with both speakers, Jane & Russell  using this medium to discuss changes. One being the Communication of Change and the other covering changes to the House Insurance types.12 members attended the excellent meeting well chaired by Toastmaster Graeme.

The meeting opened on time and was headed up by David introducing Russell, completing an assignment from an Advanced Manual, titled "Insurance Changes". Russell covered very well a subject that he had obviously done a great deal of research on regarding the recent trend of Insurance Companies to go exclusively to the Sum Insured method of calculation on house insurance rather than the option of that or Replacement value. Russell made some very valid points and this is something that all home owners should carefully investigate when your next renewal comes up. Well done Russell. David's evaluation gave worthwhile praise for Russell's research and suggested that maybe a visual in the form of a chart, could have further enhanced our understanding of the different options. David spoke in the first person-speaking to us all would have been great!

Next up was Jane with a rather tricky assignment from the "Speeches By Management" Advanced Manual 'Communicating Change'  where she took on the role of a Company CEO explaining several changes to her staff if the Company was to survive. An excellent scenario was chosen by Jane, which certainly created some questions from the audience, how would you like to be told that you need to smarten up your appearance, don't have any more tea/coffee breaks, no more time off for personal reasons i.e. sport etc. and today's Friday it all starts on Monday!! Well done Jane, extremely well organised and spoken and while perhaps (understandably) objections were not handled to everyone satisfaction (was that ever going to happen!) you achieved your objective. Craig Evaluated Jane's assignment and commended her for the organisation and the scenario chosen, delivered with a good strong voice( without notes) but also suggested that perhaps smiling all through the speech would not have gone down too well with the staff, and to stand a little closer to the audience. Great effort.

A brief Table Topics session followed with 'stand-in' Topic Master Darryl. Carol had a real purler "Zombie-Apocalypse" What Now!, which she handled with ease and spoke well, basically if "you can't beat them, join them". Mike was asked "What advice would you give yourself at age 12-knowing what you know now?". Mike in his usual determined style got right into the answer and told us that he was a "big" boy due to all the free school milk that he drunk and that he bullied everyone else for theirs. He was shocked-no-flabbergasted when they stopped it and his advice would be "don't drink so much free milk"

The business session included notices about Executive meeting 7/3,Area Council Meeting 28th March and Subs due by 20th March(Invoices handed out and will be posted to those not there).
Graeme also presented the Certificates and engraved Trophy to Barbara for the International Speech Contest held two meetings ago.

Barbara wrapped up the meeting with her General Evaluation, covering off all required and giving excellent feedback to everyone on the programme- no real need to comment on the speakers as the Evaluators have done that. Ian gave the Timekeeper's report proficiently and in a timely manner.
Well done Graeme an excellent meeting overseen by you.

Next meeting Thursday 13th March Toastmaster Ian.

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