Today's meeting of Pania Toastmasters included an Ice Breaker by our newest member Carol with "What's in a Name" and a speech by 'old hand' David titled "It's Obvious".11 Members enjoyed both speeches under the guidance of Toastmaster Laurence.
Ice Breakers are always great to hear and Carol's was no different. She utilised the fact that Carol (surname) had only been in existence for 18 months and spoke well for her age (and was potty trained as well!). i.e. she got married 18 months ago (on 12/12/12 actually and appeared in the paper for her efforts!). Her title "What's in a Name" was recurring throughout her presentation from the family's early arrival in New Zealand to a bit of 'name dropping' from her previous employment and enabled a continuity through the speech which informed us a great deal about Carol. Excellent start Carol.
Carol's evaluator, Barbara had many commendations for her plus a couple of early suggestions for improvement, which will assist in her next speech- like many first time speakers, Carol tended to race through her material making her and the audience almost gasping for breath at the end. Good points made by Barbara.
Our second speech was by David whose title was "It's Obvious" working from the Competent Communicator Manual (not for the first time) with the assignment "Organise Your Speech". he spoke of the 'Pareto Principle' or as many know it the '80/20 principle', when we should spend more time concentrating on the 20% of important things in life rather than wasting time on the other 80%. It is a well known fact that in life or in business 80% of your enjoyment/profit comes from 20% of your time/customers . David explained the principle well and spoke confidently about it and the effect on people. His evaluator, Graeme, gave him several commendations and some useful suggestions which included 'where was he heading in the speech?' and perhaps an example of the Pareto Principle. Well done to both speaker and evaluator for interesting presentations.
General business with President Craig, included reminders about the Council Day next Friday 28th @ Hastings Baptist Church Lounge, Lyndon Road, Hastings 7.00pm start, the Division D Conference in Rotorua on 12th April start 12.00, subs due now for discount, and that the Baton has been handed on to Bay City Club.
Table Topics followed, our Impromptu speaking assignment, led by Jane. While the questions were quite long, basically she asked Noel "Should locals be funding Motorways etc in Auckland/Wellington?" Noel's reply (and a learned one it was) was that funding for these projects is reducing with improved technology in vehicle production while a backlog of 'major' projects that have been sidelined for sometime are becoming critical hence funds must come from wherever available- and that could be us in the provinces! Graeme was asked about "Road Blocks" or more effort to catch drinking drivers etc, he suggested that while the Govt. cannot stop people drinking perhaps greater penalties for 'drink driving' and more effort to catch the offenders would be great.
Craig answered his question about "increasing the Top Tax Rate and introducing a Capital gains Tax" with the gusto of one who would not be effected by such a move (apart from perhaps reduced taxation for him) and was all for it! Finally Russell had the chance to talk about reinstatement of the Napier/Gisborne railway, a must he felt for tourism and trade and to keep the trucks of the road-and so say all of us!!
Laurence ran a well organised and timely meeting, with a clear programme and good fillers between items, Wendy gave a very full and worthwhile General Evaluation praising Laurence for keeping the meeting flowing smoothly and having good feedback for the Evaluators and Table Topics speakers.
Jen, did a great job as Timekeeper, because we finished a couple of minutes early and her report was, in the end 'timely'.
Best Speaker; Carol
Best Evaluator; Barbara
Best Table Topic; Graeme.
We do it all again next Thursday when the Toastmaster will be Barbara, enjoy a meeting without Graeme (if you can?)
PS- Don't forget to give Ian a hand with setting up and dismantling the room!
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