Sounds like two opposing views, doesn't it? Well- they were- these were the titles of the two speeches on Thursday 13th March's meeting of Pania Toastmasters. The first a reading and the second a speech which made for a diversified meeting.
Barbara was first with her assignment from The 'Speciality Speeches' Advance manual Reading our Loud. She chose a reading from "Peach Angels" by Antoinette Samson. As most know reading imposes quite a different approach to that of conventional speaking assignments. The emphasis goes on interpreting the authors words, Barbara utilised all of the many skills she already has to bring this aspect to life in a 10-12 minute presentation. An excellent reading that included use of pause, pace and vocal variety that would have made the author proud. The presentation also had a very good introduction and summary to round it off.
Jen, Barbara's evaluator gave her a lot of well earned praise in her evaluation along with one recommendation. A great way to start the meeting off!
The second speech was from the 'Entertaining Speaker' manual Resources for Entertaining. Laurence, the speaker, called it "Bounty Hunter" and it told of buying a home. He woke up one morning to the sound of someone snoring and there was a total stranger-a big Maori man complete with Mongrel Mob emblem, sleeping on his couch. The man when woken, did not know the house had been sold! One thing led to another-lots of laughter, exaggeration and numerous word pictures led to the conclusion- what happened? what a pity that you did not hear it!!
David gave Laurence's speech a good introduction and his evaluation conveyed his obvious enjoyment, two recommendations followed.
Next up was General Business; "Pass the Baton" was on the agenda, this is a District incentive to get members to visit other clubs. Ian & Michelle from Magpie Club in Hastings, brought it along today, it was great to have them as guests and we will hand the Baton onto Bay City Club next Wednesday.
What a great way to meet people from other Clubs.
Table Topics was next up, and this was somewhat different .Darryl was able to continue his Table Topics session from last week , his first question "If one species of animals could talk-which would have the most interesting stories?" Cheryl immediately chose a dog and related in a humorous way what we as humans do on a day to day basis linking it to how a dog would interpret it all, very good word pictures!
Next question "What skill should every man have?" Ian (Area Governor) quickly responded with being able to read a list and quoted his experiences gaining support from many in the audience, especially the men!
Last question "Fly, turn invisible, time travel-which would you choose?" Carol, our newest member, gave a really good answer saying how interesting it would be to see the future, giving several examples. Well done Carol.
Graeme, General Evaluator, provided feedback to both the Evaluators with praise and one or two helpful suggestions. He also congratulated our Ian (Toastmaster) on the sterling job he did particularly with regard to keeping the very full meeting running to time.Graeme also commented on Table Topics, saying how well both the Table Topics Master and speakers had done. Russell (Timekeeper) was thanked for his report.
A very good meeting and attendance, we do it all again Thursday 20th March.
Best Speaker; Barbara & Laurence
Best Evaluator; Jen
Best Table Topic; Ian (Area Governor)
Thanks Graeme for the report, some literary licence taken by the processor!
REMEMBER; Subs are due by the 20th to get the discount!!
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