Club No 1996

Club No 1996

Thursday, 26 September 2013

Ever thought of doing one?

This was the question posed by our first speaker, Darryl, today.  He was referring to a life review, in this case a task he often undertook while a Volunteer in a Hospice. His objective was to persuade with power, having found how useful and valued it was for patients in the Hospice, their family,  as well as the person helping to write it.  Darryl said he has positive memories of all those he assisted in writing, and persuaded us to at least consider doing our own life review some time soon.

Barbara, his evaluator, commended Darryl on several areas - not notes used, no ums, and well-paced delivery.  Her recommendations too, would have added extra strength to the speech. Well done, both of you.

Toastmaster Jen led eleven members present in a relaxed style, but kept her hand securely on the tiller. (Thanks for the ride,  Team NZ !)  The programme was clear, in larger print than usual, so easy to read.

Viv was our second speaker, with her last formal speech to the Club, "Now is the Hour."  In it Viv demonstrated all the skills she has learnt while a Toastmaster, and gave us four pointers to effective
speaking - learn the speech by heart so as to maintain eye contact with the audience, use a visual aid, practice non-verbal communication for better effect, embellish, again for effect. Well done, Viv.  Pania will miss you so do visit now and again.

Graeme was Viv's evaluator, and this was presented with notes, a first for Graeme!  Because it was a 'different' speech, it received a 'different[ evaluation.  Again, well done.

David led TableTopics, with book titles from the Readers Digest Condensed book series. The challenge was to apply and use the title to what ever subject the speaker chose.
Ian drew "The Show Must Go On" and he did! He had not read the book but eventually got to tell us that whatever it was, it needed to continue!
Jan drew "Time and Time Again", a favourite saying of her mother. She also moved the position the Table Topics Master because as we have been told, time and time again, one needs to stand so the speaker may maintain eye contact with the whole audience easily.
Cheryl's book was an "Episode of Sparrows", and we discovered that she liked birds, not sparrows particularly.
Isaac chose "The Life of the Party", but it stumped him to silence.  David offered him another choice, but that was no help either. (Isaac, next time embellish [ or lie], as Viv advised.)
An innovative series - we could do it again!!  Jan was awarded Best Table Topics, by evaluator Mike.
His commendations and suggestions for improvement were buried in amongst a lot of words and ideas as only Mike can, but a good summary.

Next week's programme was defined, and notices brought from President Craig. Subs are now due,  the amount being $90-00.  This can be paid direct into the Bank account (number on the renewal form) but please send Craig an email to say you have paid.
Graeme presented Jan with a parcel, as this was to be her last meeting. ( However, she must come next week to sort out the key and code!)

Timekeeper Sue kept the clock working and we completed the meeting on time!
General Evaluator Jan awarded Best Speech to Darryl, and Best Evaluator to Barbara.

Another enjoyable Pania meeting with every person present given the chance to speak, the ideal
Toastmaster meeting.  See you next week.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent meeting report, we will miss the author of this report from the Club in the future and also greatly miss Viv. Good Luck to you both for the future.
