Club No 1996

Club No 1996

Tuesday, 10 July 2018


Football - My Other World.

Yet another interesting, informative and fun Pania meeting on 5th July.

Craig was the Toastmaster and had the Football World Cup as his theme, with flags and balloons to emphasize the festive occasion.
New member Trish read the Mission Statement.

Craig was also Linda’s evaluator.
Linda, gave a presentation titled My Other World, about her experiences in Iran. She made use of the club’s new TV and showed a Power Point of photos of her life in Iran. Linda also got dressed appropriately for Iran.
In his evaluation, Craig gave the objectives of the project and recommended that Linda position the TV further forward and look at the laptop screen rather than back at the TV and therefore maintain better eye contact with the audience. He also recommended that Linda quote her research sources.
Craig had some commendations for Linda, but they could have been promoted a little more to give a more balanced evaluation.

The next speaker was Marc, who was introduced and evaluated by Graeme.
Marc presented his Pathways Icebreaker, which coincidentally matched the theme of the meeting and was all about football and Marc’s successful history as a player, referee and coach. Marc wore a football shirt and had a number of personal, football related visual aids.
In his evaluation, Graeme gave good commendations, such as use of visual aids, speaking rate, eye contact.  His suggestions (Graeme prefers suggestions to recommendations) for Marc were to give himself more speaking space and to move the visual aids table closer, so that he didn’t need to walk back and forth as much.
Graeme overlooked stating the project objectives and the speech title.

Table Topics was presented by Darryl who had a sports theme that was complementary to the meeting theme and interspersed the topics with shouts of Goal and Strike.
Tamara - Spoke about playing an underwater sport and chose underwater hockey. Tamara knew something about underwater hockey because her brother used to play it.
Trish – Favourite sport as a child. Trish spoke about growing up on a farm and riding horses, so Equestrian was her favourite sport and still is.
Noel – How to combine cycling, skiing and soccer in one sport. Noel avoided directly answering the topic but spoke about rugby and soccer.
Darryl summed up the session with a shout of We Won.
Patrick was the Table Topics evaluator and gave good commendations for each speaker but not many recommendations, except for Trish to use her hands for gestures, rather than clasped.

Mike, as General Evaluator, summed the meeting up well with suggestions for some of the Evaluators and many commendations. He was assisted by the Timekeeper, Carol, and we finished pretty well on time.(Ed)
We then had the first of a possible monthly nibble/chat session for those that could stay so that we had some social time with the other members. I believe this was worthwhile and could well be continued, even perhaps bi-monthly! (Ed) 
Best Speaker – Marc 
Best Evaluator – Craig 
Best Table Topics - Trish

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