Club No 1996

Club No 1996

Saturday, 14 July 2018


The meeting of 12 July was attended by 12 hearty souls and we were pleased to have Barbara  back as a visitor, but quickly had a role as Mission Statement reader. Toastmaster Graeme welcomed all with bright yellow agenda and took a long list of apologies which was accepted with due process.
First speaker Paula was introduced by Craig. Paula explained in her icebreaker, entitled "A Soundbite and a wee insight into Paula!" her role as a paid and volunteer motivator and skills coach and then described the goals she wished to fulfil in her Toastmaster's membership. As Craig evaluated this was a “top bracket” icebreaker by Paula with her attention grabbing start, dynamic gestures, and passed on a sense of enjoyment that all added to gaining and maintaining attention. Craig struggled to find just one recommendation but suggested that Paula limit the number of items to be introduced and discussed, which applies to all 5-7 minute speeches. Excellent Ice Breaker, well done Paula!
Carol introduced Tamara who gave her third speech about her recent trip on the Trans-Siberian Railway to Mongolia. She illustrated her address with photos using the television the club now has on tap. Her description of a Siberian sauna sounded like it was almost an actual ice-breaker! Her descriptions of the landscapes and experiences were fascinating. Carol’s evaluation was very positive and mentioned how standing in the right location when using screens needs to be carefully considered.
Lou introduced table topics with a theme of “making time to help” in which Marc Barbara and Paula were asked to describe different instances of helping by themselves or by others. All three responded very well as evaluated by Mike who was unable to identify recommendations. He judged Marc’s as the best table topic.
Noel rounded off the meeting with a very efficient General Evaluation assisted by Sandy, who  gave a comprehensive timekeepers report and Noel gave awards for best speech to Paula for her Ice Breaker and best evaluator to Craig. A great meeting well coordinated by Graeme.

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