Club No 1996

Club No 1996

Sunday, 18 March 2018


And the couch surfing award goes to: the shy Julius Caesar!

Thursday afternoon and, again, an enjoyable Pania Toastmaster's meeting.

Our Toastmaster, Laurel welcomed us and introduced the theme of the day: Gaius Julius Caesar. He was assassinated by a group of rebellious senators on 15 March 44 BC.(the ides of March).

After that Noel, introduced our first speaker: Linda. Noel also mentioned this was Linda  first Speech utilising the new Pathways Education program, and therefore an Ice Breaker.
Lindas' speech was about Couch Surfing. In the introduction we soon discovered her background (psychology) and all the fun and scary memoires that come with “mind reading” her customers on the couch. In this Ice Breaker Linda introduced herself in a humorous and entertaining speech and we  were all delighted by her experience.
The Table Topics were led by Mark and the topics all were related around Julius Caesar.
Tamara (our latest new member) was very clear that in relation to the assassination of Caesar she definitely would sneak into the Kremlin and would kill Putin with some radio active waste.
Kristy( another new member) would like to extend her house with some extra rooms if she must buy something expensive although /Caesar's budget would not allow that and credit card would need to be utilised.
David was asked how he would change our republic back to a monarchy and he raised the question what side Queen Elizabeth would pick: England or Scotland?
Our last table topics was for Sandy and as an actress what famous person would she play if it concerned  Dirty Politics.So many to choose from she found it difficult to settle on one!
After the Table Topics there was the introduction from Carol for the award speech from Darryl for the BEST ‘average’ actor!
Darryl said that his  motivation to became this rewarded actor was mainly because he was very shy,
and the best way to meet the best girls was as an actor. The moral of the award speech from Darryl was that most of the things holding you back are because: “It’s only in your mind” and he motivated us to take all the opportunities we encounter and take these opportunities to learn and grow, and become the best ‘average’ actor.
After the Business Session from Mark and Craig, where Anna was presented with her Advanced Communicator- Bronze Award, there were the evaluations from Noel and Carol for the speeches and from Mike for the Table Topics. General Evaluator, Patrick then summed up the meeting assisted by the Timekeeper, Anna.
Today was a very educational and entertaining meeting in a very good atmosphere.
The rewards:
Best table topics: Tamara
Best speaker: Darryl
Best evaluator: Carol

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