Club No 1996

Club No 1996

Saturday, 31 March 2018


Pania's meeting today was "Special" for two reasons.  Firstly it was "David" day and secondly Carol our Toastmaster chose Easter as her theme by providing a fantastic programme most of which was in colour.  Amazing !
Read more.

Those unable to attend today's meeting maybe asking why was it "David" day?   Sadly David decided that 37 years in Toastmasters was enough and this was his last meeting.  What a meeting it was !  We finished at 12.45 !  (which I will explain shortly).
Carol ensured we started at 12.05  covering areas such as apologies and mission statement.
Then it was David's task ito introduce and evaluate Laurel with her speech entitled "The meaning of a dynamic leader".  What followed was a synopsis of Laurel's time in Toastmasters.  Quite astonishing !  Makes one proud having someone like Laurel in our midst.
David's evaluation clearly showed the benefits of his 37 years.  David gave a balanced view in that he made sure praise outweighed recommendation.  Thanks David.  We will miss you.
Noel provided members with a vibrant sesssion of table topics. The subjects were very relevant to current happenings and those taking part sure enjoyed themselves.  Speakers were also very experienced and that showed.
Mike spoke about cheating in sport.  Craig commented on sport from a coaching point of view.  Marc responded to a meeting that went wrong.  Darryl  built on a somewhat reluctant beginning to talk about facebook.
Jen evaluated table topics providing very good observations for each speaker.
Craig was awarded best table topics.
A excellent time keeper's report was given by Louise during  a summary of the meeting by the General Evaluator, Graeme.
It was now 12.45.  Guess what?  You are right !
Craig had brought along food and drink and there it was waiting for us. Thanks Craig !
But wait there's more !
There was a presentation.  Surprise.  Something for David !
What was it?

A trophy from Tamatea Toastmaster days.The 'Bullthrower Award' given to the person who made up the best story during Table Topics, guess who used to win it the most!  David was happy.  Mission accomplished.

Join us next week and enjoy the fun!

1 comment:

  1. a special thankyou to members current and past of the six clubs that I belonged to over the years. Your secrets are safe with me! It has been a privilege and a pleasure to share our experiences.
