Our guest Jen two was a most welcome addition to
our many new members .We hope she will come again .
Darryl Drum had the birthday of Andrew Lloyd Weber
as his theme , you know what's coming next, yes, he sang the Mission Statement
At this point Craig Cymbal was introduced to
introduce Sandy Saxophone , which he did kindly and succinctly .
Sandy Saxophone gave us a well prepared speech"Let Me Introduce You to My Little Friends-Macroinvertebrates!", from her vast fund of information about the “things “ that populate our water
ways and what their being there means to eagle eyed scientists , who study this
kind of thing .Sandy Saxophone was completing the "Visual Aids" assignment.
Noel Notes introduced Game Gong , who told us
about his entry into being a car shark, the amount of experience he could
evidence Graeme Gong made us think we were in the company of a true wheeler
dealer ……..NOT ! Graeme Gong was commencing yet another 'Competent Communicator' manual.
Craig Cymbal sang ! and then
Craig Cymbal evaluated Sandy Saxophone , telling
us how he was doing the evaluation and for the benefit of new members Craig
Cymbal did point out that an evaluation is always kind , meant to be helpful
and is one person's opinion.Craig Cymbal went on to give an evaluation using the
CRC method and offered his suggestions to Sandy. Saxophone
Noel Notes evaluated Graeme Gong , Noel Notes
made mention of the fact that Graeme Gong is a very experienced Toastmaster ,
and that his doing the confident communicator series of speeches
is probably for the umpteenth time , and that new comers should not be daunted
by the polished speech that was given . Noel Notes went on to offer
his recommendations to Graeme Gong, which included not scratching your
chin ……….see now we are talking to an old experienced Toastmaster
The table topics session was run by Mike
Mouthorgan, he had printed some interesting words on slips of paper , speakers
had to choose one and speak learnedly on this subject for two minutes . The
baton fell to Tamara Trombone , Kristy Conductor and Lou Loudly and to round
things off Jen one got to play her violin .
In his evaluation David Drum said he thought the
task a little hard and recommended that an experienced Toastmaster be asked to
speak first to give new comers a chance and to see what the expectation is . He
awarded the best table topic to Kristy .
Jen gave a quick round up of the meeting , this
included Carol Clarinet's time keeper's report .Awards were presented to Kristy ,
Sandy and Noel . Congratulations to all three .
By then it was time for the last waltz and we all
sprang off into the autumn sunshine , singing a happy little ditty as we went
on with our respective days.
Thank you all for your efforts in turning
a Toastmasters meeting into a symphony .
a nice riff Jenny Jazz