Club No 1996

Club No 1996

Sunday, 16 October 2016


Another excellent meeting with quality presentations, evaluations, and chairmanship by Mike
The meeting started with a clear agenda, room well laid out, the usual introductions efficiently performed and the mission statement read by Stephanie.
Linda positively introduced Laurel, our new Table Topics  Champion for Division D, who presented an educational on mentoring. This was something new for many attending who we are sure to have found it most helpful. Mentoring is to help toastmasters to grow and develop. Laurel described the differences between mentoring, coaching and instructing and so demonstrated the value and benefits of mentoring, especially when done correctly.
Linda’s evaluation commented on how well Laurel had been able to squeeze a longer educational in 5 to 7 minutes (well almost!) and she commended in detail with reasons for her comments. She even managed to find two recommendations for what had been an excellent presentation.
Graeme introduced his long term colleague Craig with some very glowing but well deserved observations. This speech was to demonstrate vocal variety and Graeme gave his own examples so the audience knew what to look for.
Craig started very boldly and then went on to give three “What if” examples from a relatively short period of his life.  If that is typical of the rest of his life we are indeed fortunate to see him regularly at Toastmasters. He did conclude by wisely commenting we should not dwell on what could have happened to us.
Graeme’s evaluation repeated the objectives and very positively commended Craig’s presentation and gave three constructive recommendations.
Helen introduced Table Topics with the theme of Mother in Law visiting at short notice. By limiting speakers to no more than1 minute she succeeded in fitting in 5 speakers who all responded to their queries very well.
Patrick evaluated the Table Topics speakers and commended each very well and also had a recommendation for most.
Darryl provided a very professional timekeeper’s report.
Toastmaster Mike linked the various sections of the meeting very well including general business, and so did not stray over time.
And so we were left with Mike’s quote from Dr Seuss about fantasy ringing in our ears "I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living"

See you all next week.

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