Club No 1996

Club No 1996

Monday, 31 October 2016


The Pania Toastmasters Club met on 27th September 2016 with a good turn out and not a spare seat. Russell was our Toastmaster and he led a meeting that started on time and finished promptly at 1300.

Craig did a fabulous job of introducing Rebecca who felt the fear and did it any way for her icebreaker. Her speech title was “I am a potato” and for those of you who were not able to hear her presentation, a potato is a person who is brown on the outside but white on the inside. Rebecca told us how she has been learning about and connecting to her Maori roots.
Barbara introduced the second speaker, Patrice, Rebecca’s sister. Patrice delivered her icebreaker with enthusiasm.  Both ladies did a great job of sharing personal stories with the lucky Pania members. I note that they were both born and raised in the Mainland of NZ!.
The table topics session was facilitated by a very able Patrick who had topics which made it easy for the chosen members to talk to. His chosen members to speak on a great place for holiday were Carol at the beach, Linda going trekking up the Himalayas, Sandy told us of her recent trip to Queensland and hiking in the forest. Marc told us why Bounty Island was the great place to have a holiday and David had a holiday at a very busy tourist spot.
Craig and Barbara evaluated the speakers very well with great commendations and recommendations. It was a difficult decision to pick the recipient of the best evaluator award for the meeting as both are seasoned Toastmasters.
Darryl evaluated the five table topics speakers after some attentive listening and delivered the feedback with great vocal variety.
Kerry, General Evaluator, summarised the meeting well with excellent feedback for the Evaluators and the Toastmaster with the assistance of Anna as the Timekeeper.
During general business Helen gave out cards with a personal invitation to attend one of the five Hawkes Bay clubs and encouraged all members to be good sports and help distribute them to potential members. We were also reminded that the meeting on 10th November(that's NEXT week) will be held at the Westshore Seascouts Hall. It was suggested that members bring a picnic lunch and if the weather gods play ball the meeting will be held outside – if not we will meet in the hall. Forecast is for mostly sunny and 21 degrees.

The meeting closed on time – well done everyone.

Best Table Topics;Linda
Best Speaker; Rebecca
Best Evaluator; Barbara

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