Pania Toastmasters Easter meeting had Helen in the Chair and she welcomed everyone warmly BUT no sign of a shout with hotcross buns or chocolate
easter eggs. Demerit point there thinks General Evaluator David.
Newly signed member Emma read
the Mission Statement to remind us what it's all about. Personal growth.
In her speech “Sunday Blues”
Gym Bunny Linda told us how she lost her bounce in the triathalon with an attack
of “SIPE” Swimming Induced Pulmonary Edema(go on, Google it). Consequently she
was hospitalized. Mike who also has had a recent coronary experience was
enthralled and his evaluation found the presentation excellent. It made the
lazier of us(me) feel smug. That's what comes of too much exercise. Linda is
taking up kayaking instead.
The Business Session included
the induction of new member Patrick. Welcome aboard.
Mike then presented the
poem(from memory) “The Owl and the Pussy Cat”. His attempts to lure us into
doing a chorus did not get much of a response. Well done though.
Barbara also read a poem. A
tribute to Mr Toastmaster himself Les Hewitt. No he hasn't shuffled off to
Brigadoon. It just happened to be the right length!
Graeme was maestro for Table
Topics. The theme was what it is like to be a celebrity. Everyone did
surprisingly well(ie. I am glad I wasn't asked). Darryl was a world renowned
pianist and he hammered out a good tune. Barbara was a singer and described her
5 minutes of fame as a 10 year old. Noel won Best Table Topic with his action
packed description of being a champion cyclist. Emma owed her ability as a
gifted skier to her low body centre of gravity. Patrick was a famous film star
but needed a role. Jane was an outstanding athlete displaying lots of action.
Russell was a yachting supremo who started young and remembered to thank his
team. Helen was supposed to be a black cap but there must have been an early
dismissal so she got proud about supporters and good kiwi folk.(don't how she
got there but sure was stirring).
We then rushed out so the next
users could occupy the room. I've just realised that I forgot the Timekeeper.
Sorry Ian, you did a marvelous job as usual.
Three new members lately and the Club is building very nicely, great to have Patrick, Anna and Emma on board, new members are the life blood of Toastmasters, nothing wrong with the longer term (old!) members though!
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