Club No 1996

Club No 1996

Monday, 12 October 2015



It was a sense of deja vu as I sat at our Pania Toastmasters meeting this week.  The last time I was General Evaluator, Carol was also speaking.  And, as it turned out, Carol was performing the same project speech again.  An unusual situation.  However, I get ahead of myself.

The meeting started on time and we had one special guest.  Princess Sophia - Carol’s daughter - was sitting front and centre; what a treat for her in her school holidays, if only every Thursday could be Toastmasters day for her - just kidding.  There was a good turnout including the unexpected appearance of Mike, possibly due to force of habit - again, just kidding.

As I mentioned previously, Carol presented her speech for the project from the Advanced Communication book - Interpersonal Communications.  She explained that last time she was unhappy with how effective her speech was and whether it met the objectives of the project.  As a result she was trying again.

This was project 5 about “Asserting Yourself”.  Carol provided a good structure for asserting ones needs - stating the problem, telling feelings, specifying the solution and the describing the consequences.  In addition Carol had a few good tips - speak up immediately, be direct, be pleasant, and be calm.  To demonstrate these suggestions Carol performed a role-play with Wendy where Carol tried to use her assertiveness techniques to get her coat (sold to her by Wendy) repaired due to a fault.  Well done Carol for coming up with such a real-life situation, and well done to Wendy for being a tactful negotiator.  Jen evaluated Carol’s presentation.

Next up was Barbara who was presenting a project from the Storytelling Advanced Communication manual.  The project was the fairy tale.  Barbara sat us all by the fireside and told us the tale of the Three Billy Goats Gruff.  This version was a little different than the usual with more details about where they lived but kept true to the classic plot.  Then Barbara surprised us all by making Trevor the Troll into a singing troll - and what a great voice Barbara has!  Barbara’s retelling of this classic tale had us all enthralled - including probably the toughest member of the audience, Princess Sophia.  For her efforts Barbara received the best speaker award.  And Helen received the award for her best evaluation of Barbara’s speech.

Table Topics was limited in the time available but David had time to ask three attendees about friends who have special characteristics. Linda told us about her friend who can travel anywhere at the drop of a hat - though by plane rather that her preferred mode of transport, by train.  Mike told us about his ‘friend’ who brewed his own beer and talked incessantly about it, but never gave substantial enough samples of his brews.  All a bit tongue in cheek I suspect, and we all had no idea who he was talking about.  Finally, Russell, told us about his friend who was a true and natural family man.  Certainly the person one would like to meet or even aspire to be.  For his efforts Mike got the award for best Table Topics.

All in all, another entertaining meeting at Pania Toastmasters.  Do come along, visitors are always welcome.

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