Club No 1996

Club No 1996

Wednesday, 13 May 2015


Members who attended Pania's meeting today were privileged to hear two good speeches and an excellent Table Topics session under the guidance of our Toastmaster of the day, Barbara.

The meeting commenced with a speech from Craig, introduced by Graeme. Craig was working through the Competent Communicator manual for the ? time and presenting Assignment Eight "Get Comfortable with Visual Aids" with a speech entitled "Toastmasters Unmasked", this presentation was designed to inform the Club members about the District Convention held last weekend in Auckland. Craig selected three highlites(for him) from the Convention and informed the members why, particularly accentuating the fact through telling and showing that all good speeches have a theme "Tell A Story-Make A Point". Utilising the Conference material and the whiteboard he gave us details of Barbara Kendall's Keynote speech, Morgan MacArthur's Educational and the International Speech Contest, while utilising it as a Manual assignment.
Graeme in his evaluation commended Craig on the presentation and also had three areas where he considered that improvement could be made next time.

Next up was Carol, introduced by Darryl,  and she was completing the 10th Assignment in the CC manual "Inspire Your Audience" with a speech entitled "Magic Moments". A very inspiring and educational speech which I feel certainly inspired us to look for producing "magic moments" both with in our own lives and in assisting others. Carol was very well prepared with charts on the board, hand outs for us all (including a chocolate!) and four reference sites for further information.Three items which Carol suggested that we consider were 1. Create an ATTITUDE of GRATITUDE, 2. Pay it forward and 3. With Negative thought- smile, press delete and reflect on the "magic moments".
She finished with a quote from the Dalai Lama "Happiness is not something made. It comes from your own actions" . Well done Carol you certainly proved that you are a worthy "Competent Communicator".
In his evaluation Darryl commended Carol on being inspirational and suggested that she slow down a little in her presentation, Carol had so much to tell us that she races through and it can be difficult to pick up all that is said. Excellent suggestion, Darryl and a very good evaluation.

Table Topics session was led by Cheryl and David,Laurence,Ian and Darryl had topics to answer, such as "If you were PM , what would you change?"(Student Loan scheme said David) "If you could witness any event past or future-what would it be" (Laurence wants to witness his successful application for a job!) "Favorite Food" (Ian wants 'Irish Chip Sandwiches' takes him back to school days) while Darryl answered "why did you choose your current profession" seems 20 years ago it was the top profession around-Computer Expert!-would he change? would he what!!
Jen evaluated Table Topics in her usual impeccable style giving all speakers commendations and also a suggestion for improvement next time (and there always is a next time!)

Wendy gave us a very full and well rounded General Evaluation with comments for everyone on the program and was assisted by Linda as Timekeeper (for the first time) who gave a concise resume of the times.

During the business session Craig told us that our new Division Director will be Toni Sharpe OBE from Taupo and the Area Director will be Peter Crofskey from Hastings.

Best Table Topics; Darryl
Best Speaker; Carol
Best Evaluator; Darryl.

CONGRATULATIONS to Carol on achieving her Competent Communicator Award,Cheryl for achieving hers a few weeks back and Barbara for her Advanced Communicator Gold, no doubt about it, we are a bunch of achievers!

Next week we do it all again- be there!!

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