Club No 1996

Club No 1996

Wednesday, 6 May 2015


What a hilarious and entertaining meeting we had today at Pania Toastmasters attended by 12 members who I believe thoroughly enjoyed every moment of it, I know I did!

Toastmaster Graeme commenced the meeting on time and the Mission statement was read in flamboyant fashion by Cheryl.The first speaker was Helen, introduced and evaluated by Darryl.Helen's speech was from the Competent Communicator manual "Organise Your Speech" and she certainly achieved this with her speech entitled "My Life for One Month", her objectives to have a well defined opening, body and conclusion. Helen spoke of the interesting things that had occurred in her life over the past couple of months and how, while many were items of adversity, they ended up being positive and everyone was smiling,a new car, a revamped garden, new garden equipment (due to Cyclone Pam) and an improved relationship with hubby all resulted from difficult situations and a few days sulking!A well structured and interesting speech Helen, on a simple premise and well delivered into the bargain.
Darryl (a last minute replacement) gave an excellent evaluation with much deserved praise for Helen and a suggestion for improvement.

Next up we had something different from one of the 15 Advanced Manuals , this one being "Special Occasion Speeches" "The Roast". Jen decided to present this 'roast' by using a Club member,Darryl, and it went off extremely well.Barbara , introduced and evaluated Jen and set the scene well for what was to come. Jen arranged for Darryl (known as DB for the occasion-not anything to do with beer!) to sit out the front and recounted many humorous excerts from his speeches within the Club and one or two from outside the Club. Jen has a very relaxed presentation style and with her own brand of humour she certainly 'sent Darryl up' (in a very humorous,non-threatening way) which had the members in many fits of laughter, and even Darryl was able to smile! A tremendous "Roast" Jen, you are to be congratulated on your memory of those incidences and in putting them across in the humorus way you achieved.
Barbara was full of praise for Jen in her evaluation(and rightly so!) and also was able to give her an excellent suggestion for improvement in the situating of the roaster,roastee and the lecturn. Well done.

David ran the Table Topics session and everyone spoke well to their simple but effective topic, Cheryl (The Only Game): Linda (When I am Driving); Carol (Some People); Craig (It is a Challenge) and Ian (Show me), Noel evaluated Table Topics with commendations for all and a recommendation or two.

General Evaluator Craig wound up the meeting with a comprehensive evaluation of the meeting participants  assisted by the Timekeeper Ian and the Grammarian Cheryl, whose word of the day "bafflegap" (confusing,gobblegook) was used several times but it was in no way relevant to what was said during the meeting!!.

One of the 'best' (they are all good) meetings for sometime, well done to all who attended.

Best Speech; Jen
Best Table Topic; Cheryl
Best Evaluation; Barbara.

Next week we do it again, come along and enjoy it with us!

Best wishes go to Mike, who has flown out to see his mother in the"Home Country" as she is unwell- we do hope that all works out well for the family.

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