Club No 1996

Club No 1996

Thursday, 28 May 2015


On a beautiful winter's day, 12 members of Pania Toastmaster's Club held their regular weekly meeting and enjoyed a varied and generally interesting program overseen by Toastmaster of the day, Craig.

This meeting was a 'little' different as we held the election of officers for the next Toastmaster's year commencing on 1st July. Immediate Past President,Craig ran the election in true tradesman style and seven Club Officers were soon ready for the year ahead.
President; Helen,
V/P Education; Graeme
V/P Membership; Jen
V/P Public Relations; Craig
Treasurer; David
Secretary; Carol
and Sgt-at-arms; Ian.
A hearty congratulations to you all for agreeing to take on these Leadership roles for a further 12 months.Many thanks to Barbara for her sterling work as V/P Public Relations over the past couple of years in producing a very newsworthy Newsletter every month, she is the only Executive member not continuing.

To make the meeting interesting we also had a presentation from Barbara (who had agreed to do something at the last minute). This represented a poem , which Barbara had written herself for her sister Janet's 25th wedding anniversary (she was her sister's bridesmaid all those years ago).We know of old that Barbara is a great poet and presenter and this presentation was no exception.A lovely story built around Janet and husband Colin's life to date, which she originally presented on a bus with all the guests as they visited the places that Janet & Colin had lived (at least those in Napier!).
Extremely well put together and I am sure it went down well at the 25th as it did today.
One suggestion for Barbara would be to slow down the speed of her presentation and utilise pause a little more, there is a tendency when you are reading something to race and this can hinder the audience receipt of the message.

Table Topics had a fair go at this meeting with everyone having at least one turn and a couple two!
Wendy ran the session and utilised things around the house, which she had in a bag and the presenter had to take the part of the item and tell their story. i.e. a ball,mirror, clock,calculator,dictionary etc.
Everyone spoke well to their item with some hilarious suggestions coming through in some replies.
David evaluated Table Topics and gave some overall commendations plus a suggestion that members watch the handling of the item while talking, this often distracts from eye contact with the audience,

Darryl gave an overall evaluation as the General Evaluator assisted by Timekeeper Graeme.
While we did not have any prepared speeches it was still a very enjoyable meeting with everyone having an opportunity to speak (some more than once) and from the laughter generated most really enjoyed their lunchtime outing.

Best Table Topic; Barbara (she was a light bulb and certainly lit up Table Topics!)

We do it all again next week 4th June and it was great to hear that Mike is surviving in UK and catching up on many old friends, while his mum carries on, our best wishes are with you Mike!

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