Two excellent speeches were presented today at Pania's meeting and quite different they were. Toastmaster of the day was Wendy and again she produced a wonderful and colourful programme with a theme for the meeting being "Stoptober" a month to stop smoking!
The first speech was by Craig, introduced and evaluated by Graeme. Craig is again working through the Competent Communicator manual and his speech was Project Seven, Research Your Topic.Entitled "Log-o-wood" it did not need much imagination to know that it was about the history of the Ranfurly shield(which off course is currently held by Hawkes Bay!!Craig had done a lot of research through the internet, with personal experience and chatting to a former HB player for this assignment and demonstrated many interesting facts about the history of this fine Rugby trophy.First presented in 1901 but not played for until 1904 did you know that it intially depicted a soccer scene on the Trophy and the goal posts had to be extended to make them look like Rugby posts!! Crowds at the recent H/B challenges show that the 'Shield' has certainly not lost its mana. Well done Craig on a well researched and presented speech!
Graeme praised Craig for his research and interesting presentation particularly the opening "Come on the bay" and also had some very worthwhile suggestion as to how he could have improved the speech, you are never too experienced to learn new tricks!! Great evaluation Graeme.
Our second speaker was Laurence, introduced and evaluated by Darryl.This was an Advanced Speech from the Entertaining Speaker Manual 'Make them Laugh'. Call;ed "Breach of Privacy" , Laurence was taking a 'tongue in cheek' look at today's world of technology and how, in due course, it can make all the decisions in life for you, even down to which book you are going to read next! Perhaps they will even sell your house and buy a new one without you knowing because on 'facebook' you have always complained to friends about the current residence! Some very subtle humour used by Laurence, perhaps sometimes a little too subtle for some of us! but a 'well prepared' presentation and extremely thought provoking!
Darryl did an excellent job with his evaluation, with some praise for Laurence and an excellent suggestion for improvement, he also utilised the third person approach and kept within his 3 minutes, well done Darryl.Did you know that "privacy is an Albatross, hung around the neck of progress" that's Darryl's summation.
Table Topics were next introduced by David. He was to have mini debates with one person affirming his moot and another negating and for the first two moots this happened, then something different appeared! 'NZ nation needs a new flag' was Graeme's affirmation and he heartily agreed, the silver fern should be prominent and anything "John" says will suffice (John ? we do not know) at least he answered the topic!
Ian negated this topic and felt the Swedes had the right idea-an easily recognised flag-but we are not sure if he was against or for the change!!!
Mike affirmed 'That women are more practical than men'- he felt so (or at least said so) because they know what they want, are always right and have a definite point of view on everything! he sounded convinced! Wendy negated this and spoke passionately about her son and how practical he was with many things (after all look at his mother and we all know why!)
Darryl had 'Dogs should only be kept by qualified owners', not being a dog person as opposed to his wife this was a vexing question for his family, but I feel he agreed with the moot and that it should be "the family" which needs to be qualified. As David did not feel anyone could dispute this we moved on to the next topic(oh yea of little faith!) Laurence had 'School days are the best days of our lives' he agreed, no worries, no responsibility, either teachers or parents tell you what to do- what more could you want!!
Good subjects David and well answered by all- pity about the debate system though!
Mike gave his General Evaluation assisted by Timekeeper Carol, who gave us a resume of the times in a light hearted and interesting manner, with some local comment to supplement her report-Well done Carol.Mike gave his usual very efficient and humorous evaluation, stating the speech evaluators handled their assignments very well and noting the absence of the Banner (I accept full responsibility).
The business session included handing out Certificates for the Humorous Speech Contest a couple of weeks back and announcing the results of the Area D2 contest alst Friday night, in which we were represented by Barbara, She achieved very well coming third in the Table Topics Contest and a close second in the Humorous Contest, she was also awarded the Area D2 Toastmaster of the Year Trophy by the Immediate Past Area Governor Ian, congratulations Barbara for your overall efforts, we are really proud of you as a member of Pania Toastmasters.
Best Evaluator; Graeme
Best Speaker; Craig
Best Table Topic; Wendy.
Our sincerest condolences go to Sue's family and friends, Sue a long term member of Pania, passed away earlier this week after a long illness, her funeral is next Thursday 9th October, 2.00pm at St Lukes in Vigour Brwon Street.
Until next week- keep well, safe and vocal!
Hi to Jen in China!!
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