Club No 1996

Club No 1996

Thursday, 29 November 2012

Meeting 29th November 2013

Hi to all you Pania members,

We had an exceptional meeting today! it was exceptional on several counts (as most of our meetings are!!) but it was most exceptional because we had NOT ONE BUT TWO Ice Breakers!!! These were  genuine Ice Breakers, from new members. Congratulations to Darryl and Cheryl (two ryls !!) for taking the step to join our Club and for completing the first Speech Assignment and both in such excellent fashion.

The meeting was Chaired very efficiently by Jan and opened on time with 12 members present. Cheryl’s Ice Breaker was first up entitled “Treasured Memories” and told us about a boating trip with her family when living in Wellington. Cheryl spoke confidently and utilised excellent word pictures during her presentation and obviously has some excellent speaking skills to expand on within the Club. Darryl was next up with his I/B entitled “Commuting to Computing” during which he told us about several jobs that he has had in the IT area and his mode of transport to these, this ranged from walking (sometimes in temperatures up to 15 degrees below) to Cable Cars, to buses  planes and trains! An excellent way of telling us a bit about himself even if he went a fraction overtime, his sense of humour will take him far (but hopefully not away from the Club!)
These speeches were very capably evaluated by Craig and Graeme, with good, honest feedback to encourage the speakers for the next assignments. Commendations for them were not a problem, and both found areas they believed that the speakers could work on for next time.

Table Topics was run by Sue McMullen who had three questions for Viv (visualise your favourite chair and describe it to us), Jen (describe your car to us) Jen has acquired three so settling on one was her first task! and Barbara (describe your favourite item of clothing) always very smartly dressed, Barbara went for her Art Deco wear. With this description she was awarded the Best Table Topics Speaker award. Sue was encouraging us to take notice of items and there visual effect on us, a great idea that speakers were able to relate to very well. Wendy gave us a thorough,if brief-due to time constraints-Table Topics Evaluation.

The business session was brief (unfortunately our President Laurence was a last minute apology as he is in hospital “with a mild case of agony and was not sure when they would let him out”).The Evaluation Contest Trophy was presented to Barbara (Certificates will be available at the next meeting-sorry about the delay!), next week’s programme was explained and our first meeting for the New Year will be an “Impromptu Meeting” on 24th January. Graeme also reminded us that that the International Speech Contest will be held either 21st or 28th February. Start preparing NOW.

The meeting was evaluated by Barbara as general Evaluator assisted by Ian as Timekeeper. Barbara gave a very comprehensive General Evaluation, what information you can write down when you use shorthand! with some excellent feedback for the Evaluators and the Toastmaster, plus some comments for the Speakers as well! Best Speaker Award went to Darryl and Best Evaluator to Graeme.

As there was one person who had not had a chance to speak at the end, Jan asked Noel(on the theme of Table Topics) to describe the Christmas present that he would really like for Christmas. It took a while for some to click, but early on some of us guessed that it was a Golf Club, specifically a driver. Well done Noel, loved the gestures, not sure about the swing though!!

REMEMBER; Next week, last meeting for this year, bring along (if you wish) a small gift for the Hawkes Bay Today Christmas Appeal (unwrapped) as your Table Topic (and you have all week to prepare) will be to talk about the gift. If you don’t bring a gift you will have to talk about something else (which you will not know about!!).There will be some light refreshments and nibbles to follow, probably around 12.30/35 ish.

Our best wishes go to Laurence, may you make a speedy recovery and we certainly hope to see you at next week’s meeting.

That’s all from me for the year (next week is my working Thursday) so I will wish you all a very Merry Christmas and an excellent Pania Toastmaster’ year for 2013.

Kind Regards,

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