Sandy was our Toastmaster , and a very fine job she did , so well done that
the meeting ended BEFORE time , a very rare occurrence .German precision ???Or
was it the work of the very efficient timekeeper , who kept very accurate
figures and let the “offenders “ know in her report . Great work Trish .
Marc introduced Tamara with warmth, enthusiasm and in accordance with
Toastmasters procedure .
Tamara's speech was a real revelation , who knew that behind that ready
smile was superwoman ? Tamara gave an excellent presentation on how many roles
she has in her newly set up business .
Craig gave Paula a warm introduction . Craig established something new to
our club , we need to be mindful of previous evaluations when we are working on
Pathways . These become the bones of the new evaluation .
Paula's speech took us a little further into Paula's life .Its lovely to get
to know new people and where they have come from .
Noel presented the Table topics today , his experience shone through when
he offered topics that everyone could answer , simple every day things . The
result was a relaxed table topics session .
When Marc gave his evaluation of Tamara , he did it using the CRC method ,
his suggestions for Tamara were supported by realistic solutions . Marc
concluded by reverting to the objectives and established that these were met
Craig's evaluation of Paula was similar in structure , his recommendations
were gentle and supported by suggestions for improvement .
Both evaluators spoke in the third person and were generous in their
suggestions to assist the speakers .
Patrick evaluated table topics, he gave each participant a commendation and
a recommendation , great work Patrick , not always easy to do . He gave the best
table topics award to our newest member Heather .We were all in agreement that
Heather richly deserved the award . Jen summarised the meeting efficiently as the General Evaluator with comments for all the Evaluators to consider ably assisted by the Timekeeper, Trish. (ED)
And so another wonderful Pania Toastmasters meeting came to an end .
It is fantastic to have Heather join the club , we all wish her well and
look forward to learning more about her , and enjoying many meetings with her
.Welcome Heather .
Marc will host another finger food lunch after the meeting next week, if
you are coming , and we hope you are .Please bring a little plate of manageable
finger food .
Todays awards :
Best speaker Tamara
Best Evaluator Marc
Best Table Topic Heather
Next meeting September 13th at 12.05 pm with nibbles afterwards.
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