Today's meeting of Pania Toastmasters was very ably run by the Toastmaster of the day, Patrick, who had an excellent program organised and he ran the meeting efficiently and almost to time!
After a late arrival of the Mission Statement and everyone attempting to recite it from memory, we got underway with a speech from Jen. This was to tell a personal story and was well introduced by Laurel with the objectives clearly set out. Jen made a fantastic job of this assignment that was a story about the 6th August 2016, when among other happenings her mother passed away. Entitled "The Power Cut", Jen in her usual laid back way told us the story, interlaced with much humour, of receiving news that her mother was poorly and the effort to get to her bedside and the subsequent 'debates' with her brothers who were all in attendance. A well thought out and delivered true story that carried our emotions from sadness to laughter and ended with a quote "that the power had gone out of her life!".
Laurel evaluated this assignment in a very thorough and helpful manner, with many commendations for Jen and also a couple of useful suggestions for improvement. Well done to you both!
Next prepared speech was delivered by David, introduced by Linda. David is attempting to encourage Toastmasters to once again be involved in debating and gave an impassioned plea with many excellent reasons as to why it would be good for us all.This Club used to be heavily involved in Debating many years ago and it encompasses (as David pointed out) the three hallmarks of out organisation, "Better Listening, Better Thinking and Better Speaking". It is "Up For Debate" and congratulations David on your presentation.
Linda evaluated, David's assignment and gave him due praise for his presentation with a well structured Evaluation, many commendations, some comment on a couple of excellent phrases used by David and a suggestion for improvement. Great speech & evaluation.
Anna was next up with Table Topics, which were all to do with de-cluttering, Noel was asked did he have a daily list of tasks to do:Lou, did she have a cluttered desk (she does not!):Mike , does he set goals to achieve (his goal is to de-clutter, but he hopes he never achieves it!!); Jane was asked about tips for de-cluttering your house (and she has done it so knows many of the answers!); and Graeme, what do you do with the things that make up your de-clutter. Great subjects well answered by everyone and extremely well evaluated fully by Carol, with excellent comments for all speakers, for Anna and some suggestions for improvement.
Business session, run by Craig, included presentation of Certificates for the Contests run last Thursday (results in the previous Blog)
The meeting wound up with a General Evaluation by Craig assisted by Timekeeper, Russell.
Best Table Topic; Jane
Best Speaker; Jen
Best Evaluator; Laurel
Great comments Craig, Well done!