Club No 1996

Club No 1996

Wednesday, 14 February 2018


What a wonderful meeting we had today ,as we joined in Napier's commemoration of Art Deco. We are richly blessed to live in this region where we celebrate Art Deco every year……..President Marc had flagged this meeting almost a year ago ! The meeting was ably led by Marc in his pin stripe jacket, dark pants , bow tie and bowler hat ……barely reccognisable !

The theme was Art Deco and wow did we dress for the occasion . Big thanks to all for their effort . 

Minnie and Kristy came along as guests and were warmly welcomed, we look forward to seeing them back again !

Patrick was our first speaker and our very first member to embrace the new Pathways .Laurel didn’t miss the opportunity to share with us the evaluation style  required for this speech .Something new to us all .Patrick took us on a  journey as he made his icebreaker speech . 

Patrick is a natural enthusiast , and delivered a nicely rounded speech . Later evaluated by Laurel . 

Anna , a rhapsody in a peach coloured outfit , looking very much the part ,introduced Mike who then read to us from an Ernest Hemingway novel (The Old Man of The Sea). In her evaluation Anna commended Mike for his reading style .Mike was looking ever so dapper in his waistcoat and straw bowler .

Table topics in keeping with the theme was led by Craig also in a straw bowler …..Craig called seven  Toastmasters to answer his topics , all very well answered , with Russell and Jane our Art Deco stalwarts well attired for the occasion and David joining in the dressing up ,though shared some concern that his shirt was feeling skimpy .

Linda did a thorough job of evaluating the table topics .

Kristy took a table topic and was awarded the trophy for best table topic . Great start Kristy .

Jen , in her conservative outfit (but with tight fitting shoes!!) gave the general evaluation , awarding the best speech to Mike and best evaluator to Linda . 

Thanks to our timekeeper Sandy , who did a precise job and received the most amazing advice after her table topic , you had to be there to hear it ! It must  be a first .Loved it .

Big thanks to Marc for pulling this together , it was a good meeting.

Come next Thursday evening to the Greenmeadows Community Hall , to enjoy another meeting and our International Speech & Evaluation Contests .

Footnote . Ian you are very much missed love and blessings to you from us all, the back row seems a little empty now the wise counsel is gone ………and dare we say it the wicked sense of humour !

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