Club No 1996

Club No 1996

Monday, 25 September 2017


Jane was our Toastmaster on the day and she did her best to keep the meeting in order by hoovering left of stage when the speakers time was drawing to a close. The extra 5 mins at the beginning was useful as the meeting was kept to time. 

Marc was our first speaker and he took the opportunity to inform us that it was World Alzheimer's day. He spoke of his personal experience especially with his mother, Celiy. His speech was a call to action for those who may observe one of the 10 warning signs he showed us in ourselves or someone close to us that we should have it investigated further. Marc took out speaker of the day.

Our second speaker, Helen, gave us a report about how the open five Hawkes Bay club's demonstration meetings went. There were 17 visitors across both meetings and we will be expecting a visitor to Pania in the near future.

Craig did a stellar job of introducing and evaluating Marc's speech and he took out evaluator of the day.

Anna introduced and evaluated Helen in fine style with vocal variety and enthusiasm. 

Darryl ran the Table topics session and he did a fabulous job picking the appropriate members to have a go at his topics which required an opinion to be expressed. Unfortunately the table topics were cut back to one minute again for this meeting. Sandy was nominated as having the Best Table Topic. 
Stephanie did a fine job of evaluating table topics however I did suggest that she remember to evaluate the delivery and not just the content.

Our timekeeper Mike did a good job although self evaluated his missing of the lights for Marc. He was obviously engrossed in the topic when he assisted the General Evaluator, Kerry, who summed the meeting up very well and had good comments for the Evaluators to follow up on..

My recommendation to the members at the end of the meeting is that we could have a focus on fillers, the ums, ahs, so's and if you are Bill English the ah well's. 


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