Club No 1996

Club No 1996

Sunday, 20 September 2015


Another great meeting of Pania Toastmasters on Thursday 17th September when we heard all about 'Macbeth's' efforts to be King and that apparently "life begins @ 80!" so read on and be inspired to live that long.

Ian was our Chairman for the day, and the meeting ran smoothly from start to finish.

Darryl was our first speaker and he had quite a task to perform by taking on different characters in Speech 4 from the Advanced "Interpretive Reading" Manual. Darryl acted out part of the play from Macbeth and what an amazing performance.It was very well organised, had great body language and very good vocal variety while taking on the four different characters involved.
Craig evaluated Darryl's speech and praised him for a great effort, he commended him on his 'witches' character and especially the cackle! He offered great feedback and when  making recommendations to Darryl he offered advice on how to improve the speech in his opinion. The audience was intrigued by Darryl's performance and those that understand Macbeth were particularly entertained. Well done Darryl- I am sure you will be pleased that this particular assignment is now completed- successfully and ticked off!

Our second speaker was Jen, who did a speech from the Advanced "Specialty Speeches" Manual. The title of Jen's speech was "Life Begins at 80" and she did a good job of convincing us that this is a fact.Jen has a amazing sense of humour and while I don't think it was supposed to be funny, she just presents her speeches in such a way that we sit up and listen and have a good laugh. Jen convinced us that at 80 years of age you are not too old to enjoy life, live in a 'resort!' and take all the opportunities that are on offer. As Jen (a nurse) works in one of these 'resorts' it was not too difficult to pick up on her underlying message. Well done- Jen and congratulations for taking our best speaker award.
Jen was introduced and evaluated by Linda (her first evaluation) and she did it extremely well. Congratulations to Linda, a great evaluation for Jen and I am sure she will appreciate the lovely feedback you offered her.

Table Topics was again a fun and interesting session presented by Noel.It pasy to keep up with the local news, as more often than not the table topics session will be about current events. Noel presented great questions which resulted in some very good answers. Everybody kept to the topic, which is an indication that the qustions were in fact very answerable. Helen was asked "What does Hawkes Bay Need?" and gotr the session away to a good start- so good in fact that she took out the trize for the Best Table Topic. Mike was very loud and clear when he answered his topic "How Fair is That" and he was very confident when saying that the Aussies 'made their own bed- now lie in it'.He also thought that the Aussies have got xenophobia (go check your Dictionary).Ed. note 'are we foreigners in Australia?' Graeme was asked if we should have a 5th flag option and was adamant that the answer was NO. His knowledge on the flag issue was evident and he kept to the topic right the way through. Thank you Noel for some great questions about local issues.
Carol gave a clear and concise Timekeeper's report and Barbara evaluated the meeting as General Evaluator in her usual polished style with good feedback for the Evaluators.

Helen won the raffle and offered it as a redraw, which was won by Jen, who was to take it back to her 'resort' to shout the over 80's!!
Table topic certificates were given out from the last meeting and we wish Linda all the best in her Contest at the Area meeting on Friday night 25th September.

A very enjoyable meeting and many thanks to all those who took part.

Best Speaker; Jen
Best Table Topics; Helen
Best Evaluator; Craig

See you Friday at the Council meeting supporting Linda and Barbara.

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