Club No 1996

Club No 1996

Saturday, 26 September 2015


Master Chef was Toastmaster Carol's theme as she prepared to cook up a
storm. While it was wild and wet outside, inside everything was cut and
dried at the meeting on Thursday 24th September.

The entre was served up by Darryl who introduced Mike Coombe who had
prepared the first course. It was all about Adolph Sax who invented the
..Saxophone. And cool as a cucumber Mike played a few bars. Not a visual
aid...  an audio aid! In his subsequent evaluation Darryl found much to
praise and a few quibbles to nibble over,eg which Bill played the
saxophone. Gates or Clinton.

The following course was cooked up by HelenWright. The year of the first
toastmaster club, 1924, was the platter on which various tit bits which
happened that year were served up to us. They were a smorgasbord of
tasty events which left her evaluator Graeme replete and contented.

Table Topics was a platter of amuse boches( to amuse the mouth) from
Barbara. Wendy, Jane and Ian were all given morsels to play with on the
theme of newspaper advertisements. Noel evaluated them with a grain of
salt so no one was sauteed.

Linda as Timekeeper knew that the proof was in the pudding so we
finished on time.
Now we're cooking on gas!

Best Speaker Mike Coombe
Best Evaluator Darryl Baxter
Best Table Topic Wendy McNaught
Raffle Winner Wendy McNaught

Thanks David for cooking up this report, it has been 'well done'.

Sunday, 20 September 2015


Another great meeting of Pania Toastmasters on Thursday 17th September when we heard all about 'Macbeth's' efforts to be King and that apparently "life begins @ 80!" so read on and be inspired to live that long.

Thursday, 10 September 2015


What a great meeting at Pania on Thursday 10th September when we held our annual Table Topics Contest and we had nine participants! In this contest speakers all have the same subject which on this occasion was "If you were granted one wish , what would it be and why?". Contestants draw for speaking order and once that happens all but the first contestant leaves the room, out of earshot!

Sunday, 6 September 2015


Great to have visitors join into the meeting, Gail an accountant from Crowe
Horwath and Elyse an experienced Toastmaster from Palmerston North.

Barbara, as meeting Toastmaster, had a very manageable agenda which flowed
along nicely.