Club No 1996

Club No 1996

Wednesday, 10 June 2015


Interesting titles to the two prepared speeches at today's Pania meeting attended by 12 members and under the control of Toastmaster of the day, Laurence.Speakers were Helen and Graeme and the speeches certainly lived up to the interesting titles!

To start the meeting Ian read the Mission Statement and then Darryl introduced the first speaker, Helen, "Where do you fit" was the ninth speech from the Competent Communicator manual 'Persuade With Power' was the objective. Helen chose to give us background about the member and where they fit into the organisation and how it is up to each one of us to do our best to ensure that the Club thrives and becomes at least "Distinguished" each year.By doing this the members are all achieving what they attend Toastmasters for and the Club through to District are also benefiting. Helen had put a lot of effort into her visuals , which clearly demonstrated her message and certainly persuaded members of the Club to see the bigger picture.
Darryl, in his evaluation of Helen's speech,commended her on her message and the persuasion at the conclusion, which apparently worked for him anyway and gave her a couple of suggestions that will assist her next time. A good persausive speech and a comprehensive evaluation.Well done.

Next up was Graeme, one of the longest serving Toastmasters in the District!,he was introduced by Jen and gave us a speech from the Competent Communicator Manual(not for the first time!) Project 6,Vocal Variety .Graeme gave us a very interesting story (that may have contributed to his fear of flying!) about an experience at Invercargill Airport when he was about 17 and how he an five friends turned from youths to adults very quickly due to the experience. The speech made for excellent Vocal Variety and this was utilised to good effect right through the speech. Well done Graeme, the improvement is marked!!
Jen , in her evaluation praised Graeme for the excellent speech, with her usual humour included and also had a suggestion for him that the title "Blast Off" could have been included in the speech, somewhere.

David, ran the Table Topics session based around winter/cold activities and speakers Carol(Snug Home),Wendy (Winter Meal),Cheryl (Wet Day Activities) and Ian (Holiday destination) all spoke well to the simple subjects, so that everyone at the meeting had the opportunity to speak.

Noel evaluated Table Topics and had commendations for all the speakers and suggestions for most, a thorough evaluation Noel.
During the business session Cheryl was presented with her Competent Communicator Award, having completed the first 10 speeches and we look forward to speeches from her when she commences one of the 15 Advanced Manuals. Graeme reminded members of the importance of keeping to time as recently the General Evaluator has been left with very little time to complete their evaluation.

Today, however the General Evaluator, Craig, had the time due to good control by the Toastmaster,Laurence and Timekeeper, Linda, who gave a succinct and very accurate report(as far as we know!) on our times.
Craig gave credit to Laurence for a well run meeting and to the three evaluators for their evaluations, which would have assisted the speakers to better things, he was also able to suggest a couple of areas where the Evaluators could in his opinion show improvement.
Overall and excellent meeting and many thanks to all those involved, particularly to incoming President Helen, who has been doing a great deal of work in the background to promote the Club and gain new members. Did you know that two people who join this month will have their joining fee repaid thanks to a very kind sponsorship by Wendy from Tremains, Taradale.
Get out there and encourage friends, family, work mates or just mates to come along and see what we do-it will be worth their while and could also be an inexpensive exercise for them!

Best Speaker; Graeme
Best Evaluator; Darryl
Best Table Topics; Cheryl

We do it again next week, together with the many guests!

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