Club No 1996

Club No 1996

Tuesday, 20 November 2018


The C word and the garden of Eden
Anna was the Toastmaster for the day, with a well-organized and run meeting infused with tongue twisters and pursuing excellence with pronouncing T’s.  She warmly welcomed our visitors. We all expertly repeated the mission statement together and apologies were accepted. Linda did the honours as our Grammarian – word of the day “Appreciation”.

Mike Introduced Graeme, giving us some personal details about Graeme’s Toastmasters history in a warm, cheery manner. He explained the objectives of Project 10 in the Competent Communicators Manual speech Inspire Your Audience. 8 to 10 minutes. Speech Title “The C. Word
Graeme’s speech was very emotional and such a brave subject to speak on.  Firstly he asked us if anyone knew anyone that had cancer and we all did. That drew us in to the speech from the very beginning. Everyone was riveted to Graeme and feeling is emotions. He told us of the journey of his brother-in law who had 5 tumors in his lymph nodes and the strength and determination the family had to get through it. Then he went on to say he too had battled cancer and what a battle. His message to us all was to please don’t take chances with the sun and our health, to protect ourselves at all times. A powerful message that we all took on board.
Mike's evaluation of Graeme’s speech was very sombre. He thanked him for sharing such a personal story with us and made many commendations and one recommendation of a little less hand clasping.
Laurel introduced Heather in a very warm and informative manner. She went over the objectives of Heather's speech and told us this was her second toastmasters speech and complimented her on her Icebreaker speech. The title of this week's speech  “The Eden Project”.
Heather started her speech by asking us where we were in 1995. That got our attention. Then she went on to tell us about the Sir Timothy Schmits vision to plant every plant species in one area in the UK. Construction of the Bioms began in 1996. They were built to have the exact atmospheric conditions each group of plants needed.  The gardens were opened in 2001 and have since had millions of visitors. This was a very interesting subject. Well researched and presented.
Laurel's evaluation was very complimentary. She went through the objectives and gave very good commendations and recommendations. 

General business was reported by Marc, mentioning the executive meeting next week and the Tedx talks to be hosted by Paula on 22nd November.
A quick discussion about next weeks meeting took place.
Laurel presented the official certificates for our recent Table Topics competition. Paula and Darryl for participation. Mike 3rd honours, Carol 2nd Honours and Marc 1st honours. Marc went on to win the Area Final on 3rd November.
Table Topics was run by Paula with a theme of Magical Memories, this was a good idea, but as we were running overtime Toastmaster Anna decided that each speech should be 45 seconds which curtailed answers somewhat.
Craig spoke on “What he did as a youngster to earn money”. Craig talked about mowing lawns for his father.
Linda spoke on “ A memory of a Christmas Santa”. She quickly told us how she was on Santa's direct route and our they all put out their biggest pillowcase and went to bed early.
Hayden (our visitor) spoke on “ A time when he found out when all those magical things weren’t real. Well done Hayden for taking on this challenge.
Darryl evaluated table topics by firstly saying that 45 seconds was just not long enough to even say anything. He evaluated with great humour, as he always does. Lots of well dones and positive comments.
Linda gave an extensive grammarian’s report, Marc gave time report and Lou evaluated the evaluators.
Best Evaluator:  Laurel
Best Speaker : Graeme

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