Club No 1996

Club No 1996

Wednesday 7 November 2018


Pania Blog – Thursday 18 October 2018

Lazy Long Weekends

With a day to go to the start of a long, lazy weekend for the citizens of Hawkes Bay, our meeting today was anything but lazy!
Toastmaster of the Day Tamara brought her usual high energy to this meeting, ensuring that we were swept along with her enthusiasm. Sincere congratulations must be given to Tamara, considering this was her first time as chair.
  A large number of changes had to be made to the programme due to last minute unavailability of scheduled members. However, HMS Tamara surged forward and overcame these obstacles and successfully ran a full programme!  Sincere thanks also go to those who stepped in to fill in the roles! Tamara kept the meeting to time and correctly fulfilled he role.
Our timekeeper was Linda, who kept our ship on a tight course, and delivered her report efficiently.
The meeting opened on time with the room reflecting the high standard of set-up we have come to expect from Graeme and helpers. Always the first to arrive and the last to leave, Graeme sets a great example of how the S at A role should be performed.
Graeme then showed his versatility by evaluating our first speaker -Lou. Graeme explained Lou’s challenge - Speech #6, from the Competent Toastmaster Manual – Vocal Variety.  He used usual and unexpected humour and interacted with us. Lou’s title was ‘Geocation’!
Lou’s speech was highly entertaining and also intriguing due to her sharing her new hobby and activity ‘Geocation!’  For those still uninitiated, it comes from geography and location and sets a challenge for those willing to try it. From my understanding it’s a mix between a treasure hunt and healthy activity, combined with a social aspect. A piece of paper is hidden in a geographical area, which is advertised on a FB site. Fellow ‘geolocators’ are invited to find it, add their names and replace it. Then inform the FB site of their success.  To me, it seems to also have a physical activity and social element!  Lou did a great job of explaining this with great use of vocal variety – even introducing ‘Muggles’ at one point. You should have been there!!
(If I have misrepresented the art of ‘Geocationing’. Just ask Lou!!)

Craig then introduced our second speaker, Patrick, who was presenting the last step of his Pathway, Motivational Strategies - level 1 – To learn and review basic research details. Craig gave us a competent and specific overview of the specific requirements of this challenge and announced Patrick’s intriguing title ‘The eye of the Tiger!’
Patrick then presented a highly informative and visual explanation of his chosen research topic, which he alluded to in his title.  He presented logical and intriguing research which explained why all eyes, in particular the pupils, aren’t round like ours. In any animal, whether human, tiger, goat etc, the shape of the pupil, together with the shape and contour of the eye is purposefully constructed to assist that animal to survive in their environment.  Patrick’s speech was supported by excellent visuals which helped us to literally ‘see’ the difference and purpose between the eye shapes. Great research together with a great presentation!  Should we want to know more, Patrick supplied a handout, listing his research references.
Table Topics, with Jen at the helm, challenged but did not defeat the five speakers (Graeme, Linda, Jenny, Tamara and Craig) who superbly rose to the occasion!  Jen gave the beginning of a scenario and challenged the speakers to fill in the middle and end.  Every speaker met this challenge with vigour and provided a highly entertaining session. It was at this point a recorder would have been useful, as this is one of the best and entertaining TT sessions I have heard.  Great job by all speakers!!
Our evaluators today were Graeme, Craig and Jen.
Graeme evaluating Lou, engaged us immediately with a question, then explained what he was specifically looking for in Lou’s speech. He commended Lou’s great use of vocal variety and included a number of helpful and positive comments focused on specific objectives. For example, he recommended that Lou engages with her audience as soon as possible. Graeme concluded in congratulating Lou on her speech.
Craig evaluating Patrick, began with congratulating Patrick on completing level 1 of his Pathway. He then reminded us of the specific purpose and objectives. Craig gave excellent suggestions and compliments, such as ensuring eye contact with the audience and away from the visuals, using a pointer to direct the audience and included a general recommendation for everyone using a TV screen. He concluded with a strong summary and close.
Carol evaluated Table Topics, complimenting Jen on her innovative topics and introduction, Carol reconnected us with each topic as she gave her evaluation of each speaker. She included excellent examples of commendations, recommendations and summaries for each speaker and included general recommendations for all speakers.

Awards:                  Best Speaker – Patrick
                                Best Evaluator – Carol
                                Best Table Topic – Jenny

A great, energising meeting providing an excellent segue into a fun-filled and re-energising long holiday weekend!  Quality over quantity!!
Well done everyone!!
General Evaluator - Laurel 


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