Club No 1996

Club No 1996

Thursday, 1 June 2017


This was the intriguing title of our one speech today at Pania's meeting, Darryl set out the Solar System for us and explained it extremely well, under the guidance of our Toastmaster of the day , Anna, who ran a very efficient meeting that finished right on time!

Anna, utilised the Queen's birthday weekend and historical facts as a theme, which got everyone involved in "Historical warm up exercises" and reading the Club Mission Statement.

Mike introduced Darryl, who was completing an Advanced Manual assignment "Bringing History to Life" and he certainly did this with a speech about the Solar system and where little old Earth fits into the greater plan. The speech was well planned and delivered mainly without notes, which showed that Darryl had done his research and 'knew his stuff!'. I really liked the way that he had sis chairs set out the front and utilised these to demonstrate, in scale, where the planets fit into the solar system and what a small part of it we are.Great titbits of information about the different planets were included, plus information about their discoverer. Well done Darryl, great subject , well delivered and explained, congratulations.
Mike had no problem with commendations for Darryl and also managed a couple of suggestions for improvement, including perhaps use of a video or fact sheet to assist in retention of some of the information imparted.

David provided a "historical' twist to the Table Topics session with interesting subjects well handled by those 'lucky' enough to be chosen. Patrick (Change of date for the Q/B Weekend);Marc (Best band from History- Pink Floyd!) Past toastmaster and guests Chris (A sporting weekend and when?) and Helen ( locals for the Queen's Honours list)

Stephanie provided a thought provoking and interesting Table Topic's evaluation with praise for all the speakers.
The business session included next week's program and also a presentation of a "Spirit of Success " certificate to Stephanie for completing the first five speeches in the Competent Communicator manual. Well done , Stephanie, we look forward to the next five!

Craig wound up the meeting with a brief General Evaluation giving special praise to Anna for the way she handled the meeting under difficult circumstances, while Jen completed the Timekeeper's report utilising an app available on the Toastmaster;s website, which she gave a excellent advertisement for.
It was great to have Jane & Russell back with us after their winter break and out thoughts are with Graeme, who is busy looking after his wife, Margaret on her return home from Hospital. We are missing you Graeme, but family comes first everytime!


See you all next week when the Toastmaster is Linda.

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