September 8th meeting
was chaired by Carol in a very cheerful and ‘spring’ like manner.
Our first speech of the meeting
was called, “Those were the Days” and was presented by Graeme who was dressed in
a pink jacket and cap just as he may well have done in his youth. He gave us
several amusing accounts about his family and the infamous pink motorcycle.
Laurel introduced and evaluated Graeme’s speech in a humorous, professional and
helpful manner. She turned the speech objectives into questions which she then
answered to show that Graeme had in fact achieved these objectives. Cleverly
Patrick was our second speaker and
Marc introduced and evaluated him very well. Marc is a very experienced
toastmaster who recently came to our club from Christchurch and he was able to
explain exactly what is going on in Patrick’s life as a toastmaster. Marc said
Patrick was, “brave, honest and contrite”. This certainly showed in Patrick’s
speech, entitled, “Do you like it shaken or stirred?” Hats off to both Patrick
and Marc.
The Table Topic session was
conducted by Wendy who had each speaker choose various unknown topics from a bag
and talk about them. The idea was to link each topic together and this was done
very aptly by the six speakers, David, Jen, Craig, Noel, Darryl and
Table Topics is a chance to
practice impromptu speaking and with six speakers this was a great example of
how differently each person handles the opportunity.
Mike was responsible for the
evaluation of each speaker. This can be done as a joint evaluation or as
individual evaluations. Mike chose to evaluate individually.
Other highlights of the meeting
· Sandy our
scientist visitor joined the club, welcome Sandy.
· And recently
relocated Stephanie also visited again and said she was going to join too.
Brilliant to have two more members.
· Our club Table
Topic award was back from the engravers so Craig presented it to our contest
winner, Laurel. He also congratulated Laurel for her win of the Area contest and
Helen for achieving the Area Toastmaster of the Year award.
As General Evaluator Helen completed the meeting by
evaluating the evaluators and presenting the meeting awards.
Best speaker; Graeme Best Evaluator; Marc Best
Table Topics; Darryl
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