Well what a excellent meeting this was on Thursday 29th September! Barbara quickly set the tone by
greeting everyone in a warm and friendly manner. Rebecca (our newest member)
was asked to read the mission statement which she handled very well indeed.
Barbara covered aspects such as meeting changes and apologies before
introducing our visiting Area Director Ian. His presentation was cleverly
titled "The Area Who?". This gave him the opportunity to tell us more about
himself and his role. I would congratulate Ian on his ability to explain what
he was talking about in such a down to earth manner. He obviously appreciated
each and everyone of us. We are fortunate having someone like Ian looking after
our interests. A very good address which enabled me to learn something new.
Thank you very much.
Table Topics was another highlight. Kerry gave those taking part the
opportunity to " Get something off one's chest". The topics that followed
clearly gave them that opportunity. In fact people were almost running in order
to take part! Something one doesn't see all that often. Congratulations
Subjects were "I get frustrated when" and "When did you last break the law"
just to give two examples. Those taking part were Jen, Linda, Rebecca, Helen,
Mike, Carol and Graeme. Well done everyone!
Laurel's evaluation of Table Topics was a perfect example on how one should
approach this role. A commendation and recommendation for all concerned! We are
indeed fortunate to have someone of Laurel's calibre - Congratulations! Best
Table Topics was Mike.
Marc's "A Touching Story" was introduced by Patrick who covered the
objectives of Marc's humorous speech clearly and succinctly. He also gave a
very good evaluation based on what he had seen and heard. Patrick obviously
appreciated Marc's undoubted sense of humour along with clever word useage, word
pictures and body language. His recommendation of standing still to add emphasis
showed good perception. Congratulations Marc and Patrick!.
Graeme gave his general evaluation of the meeting which certainly showed how
much he had enjoyed the occasion. Craig gave a very good Timekeeper's report.
Best Speaker was Marc and Best Evaluator was Patrick.
Barbara concluded her excellent role as Toastmaster with a big vote of
Great meeting, excellent report!