A bumper turn out on Thursday , 21 keen Toastmasters showed up for an
excellent meeting.
Barbara was our Toastmaster , and a great job she did.
After all the usual housekeeping arrangements were complete we heard
Laurel's Icebreaker speech , which whetted our appetite for more Laurel speeches
. Ably introduced by Craig and then evaluated , Craig admitted that he was
struggling to find recommendation's for Laurel , but offered one suggestion
....on the back of several commendations.
Jane , presented an educational session , on the art of listening , a
great skill which is able to be learned , and Jane got us working to develop
those skills, a great workshop , with active participation , enjoyed by us
Table Topics , was great fun, presented by Emma , she presented a novel
table topics, in which she asked participants to talk about their “chosen career
“. Come along some time and get Graeme to show you his moves as a ballet
dancer .Such hidden talents.! It was lots of fun , our participants were very
good sports.Linda evaluated the table Topics, but like all of us was lost in the
mirth and forgot to offer any recommendations !
After all that hilarity we were running a little over time, and our General
Evaluator, Jen gave her report , almost excluding the time keeper .Neat save there
.Thanks Graeme.
It was a day of firsts , Laurel's Icebreaker ( though not her first ever
)Emma's first table topic session and Patrick's first timekeeper role .Everyone
handled their role very well , another successful Pania meeting .
Thanks everyone .
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