These were the titles of two excellent speeches delivered today at Pania Toastmaster's meeting capably chaired by the'chief' toastmaster Graeme.10 members attended and heard Carol and David enlighten us with their "Get To The Point" assignments from The Competent Communicator Manual.
First up was Carol, introduced and evaluated by Darryl. Carol gave us an example of her sister (who is a hoarder-suffers from 'hoardanism'!!) and as she is moving house shortly (that's Carol) she had to do something about her own property. Some excellent ideas were expounded and many of us should probably put them into action with that 'stuff' that just keeps building up around the place.Carol, had excellent use of humour and delivered the material in a easy to understand format with excellent structure, in opening, body and conclusion( the main objectives of this assignment). Well done Carol in only your third speech to the Club, each one has shown excellent improvement and all have been well delivered.
Darryl gave Carol many commendations and some excellent suggestions for improvement, which will, assit her in future assignments. Darryl is still coming to grips with presenting his evaluations in the third person but he is getting there!
Next up was David, introduced and evaluated by Laurence. "Knowing the Obvious" was the sequel to a speech David gave in March on the 'Pareto Principle' or 80/20 rule as it is more widely known.This time David spent more time on the important parts for us (that's the 20%) and how we should be putting this into practice to improve our time management and subsequent leisure time. The presentation was well organised with an excellent summary at the end and delivered with David's usual humour. If you remember nothing else( but I am sure that you will) "make a little list to ensure that nothing will be missed".
Laurence had many commendations for David and also a couple of useful suggestions, which he felt would have improved the presentation for him.
Both very worthwhile speeches and evaluations, we can all learn something new at every meeting we attend!
Table Topics were presented by Jen, unfortunately time constraints only allowed two speakers, perhaps just as well! Craig was first and he completely misunderstood or did not hear the topic, even when this was explained to him again, after about 45 seconds he made an attempt at saying something sensible, ah well! there is always next week(Craig is writing this so he is allowed to say these things!). Cheryl was next and she had caught Craig's bug, after a hesitant start she was at least able to make a sensible answer to her question. I am sure that had we had further speakers things would have improved as we grasped the theme a little better. A testing time for us, Jen, but we need those to test our responses.
Craig gave us his General Evaluator's report ably assisted by the Table Topics evaluator Barbara, who felt that Jen's topics were OK and the message to us all (even if you have another role on the program) is to listen,listen,listen for you never know when it is going to be your turn!! Wendy kept us to excellent time as Timekeeper and we finished the meeting "bang" on 1.00pm.
Best Speaker; Carol
Best Evaluator; Laurence
Best Table Topic; Cheryl
We do it all again next week-see you there!!
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