Club No 1996

Club No 1996

Thursday, 7 November 2013


What an excellent meeting on 7th November, Barbara was our Toastmaster and put together an excellent programme. Last minute changes were handled very competently.
Today's meeting was special, not only was Laurence back from 3 months study but Darryl also achieved his Competent Communicator Award by completing his No. 10 Assignment 'Inspire Your Audience' with a speech entitled "Fit For Life" He fully deserves recognition having tackled all projects with enthusiasm and meaningful comment.
Today's speech was no exception, he started doing press-ups which led into the benefits of belonging to a gym. Great tips, great action, great word pictures and a strong message. I felt guilty sitting there hearing about Darryl's zest for life. Congratulations!
Laurence provided very good comment in his evaluation, both in praise and suggestions for improvement. Well done Darryl and well done Laurence.

Our second speaker was Mike, his project was from the 'Story Telling Manual', Sue McM introduced him giving some background on Mike as well as the objectives of the assignment entitled "The Three Little Pigs". Mike (as we know) has an excellent voice and he used it to full effect, characterisation, along with loud and soft tonings (mostly loud) with plenty of gestures and body language thrown in!
I couldn't help but think that Mike was inspired by Darryl's presentation!
Not only was Mike almost exhausted at the end, but so to was the audience, including me.
Pania is fortunate having members like Mike, who are prepared to extend themselves with just a tad of imagination.
Sue provided good feedback suggesting Mike was a little slow at the beginning and should have "jumped into it a bit more" right from the outset. A good observation , Sue, but I am not sure that Mike would have lasted the distance! I thought the praise Sue gave i.e. 'great interaction with the audience',' no longer pacing up and down', was very worthwhile.
Table Topics were presented by Jane, thanks for stepping in and helping us out Jane. Russell was asked if "fireworks should be banned", he said "yes" and gave well thought through comments.
Sue offered her thoughts to "what is more important, people's lives or fireworks?" she suggested education was the answer and backed up her opinion. Ian was asked to respond to "bottles/litter and the problems, what would you do?, he suggested recycling seemed to be working very well and expanded his thoughts.
Table topics revealed all speakers gave in depth comment, well done Russell, Sue & Ian.
General Business revolved around the Evaluation Contest at the next meeting, hand outs were available to everyone, the reaction was very favourable-come on everybody and have a go!
Graeme was General Evaluator and provided comment to all those taking part. This was not an easy task in view of the high standard maintained, he also evaluated Table Topics and complimented Barbara on her Toastmaster's role-considerate, thoughtful and encouraging. Lots of commendations to everyone, "no wonder we have such good and enjoyable meetings he said"

Best Speaker : Darryl
Best Evaluator; Laurence
Best Table Topics; Ian.


Thanks Graeme, for your Report.

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