Club No 1996

Club No 1996

Friday, 22 November 2013


Read on and find out what this is all about! Pania's meeting on 21st November was ably controlled by Toastmaster Jen, she did a great job and kept the meeting moving along accompanied by shortbread goodies and chocolate nibbles- Who could ask for more??
Carol (our guest for the third time) read the Mission Statement to open the meeting and set a very good standard. David introduced Cheryl, our first speaker, she was working from Project five  "Your Body Speaks" and titled the speech "Ride the Magic Carpet", what a story!. It involved a white horse, black ice, snow and finally breaking her arm while learning to ski! Talk about action, one thing for sure, it certainly leant itself to body language, facial expression, gestures and eye contact. Well done Cheryl!
David's evaluation was full of praise , which was not surprising.
Wendy then introduced Barbara, her speech entitled "In Zone" was quite intriguing, she gave us an insight as to the lengths that some people will go to in order to have their daughters enrolled at  a certain high school. Not only was the speech very informative but very open and honest, congratulations Barbara.
Wendy's evaluation quickly recognised how natural Barbara was with regard to her presentation skills and also noted Barbara's ability in responding to her assignment at very short notice. (Barbara stepped in at the last minute to speak as a programmed speaker was unable to make it due to work commitments).
Sue was our Table Topics Master, she asked Mike what irritates him when he is driving,he responded with great vigour and passion, and wants the road to himself- too many problems-other tailgating-stupid traffic lights etc. He wanted to share his views with everyone and he DID!
David was asked what irritates him when travelling, he immediately took the same tack as Mike citing passengers who somehow seem to spread themselves into his space. Also problems with bus drivers having little or no command of the English language. He finally suggested that perhaps it was not so bad after all.
Graeme , our General Evaluator, gave us his thoughts with regard to Pania's meeting today, he commented on all those on the programme, while Darryl provided feedback to the Table Topic speakers.
A most enjoyable meeting, lots of memorable moments, plenty of laughter- we are so lucky to have these opportunities to learn more at Pania Toastmasters Club.

Best Speaker; Cheryl
Best Evaluator;David
Best Table Topic; Mike.

Thanks to Graeme for this report.

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