Club No 1996

Club No 1996

Monday, 26 August 2013


Sorry about the delay in this post, but first I forgot and then I ran out of time! Just as well our meeting participants were not in the same boat or the "Wedding event" would not have gone ahead as planned.
The meeting on 22nd August was well attended by 13 members and a guest Isaac , back for his third look.
Barbara was the Toastmaster of the day and ' Master of Ceremonies' with a wedding theme, the meeting officials were given titles such as "Doorman", "Master of Telegrams", "Mother of the Bride" etc and the meeting concluded with the handing around of the 'wedding cake' in the form of a very nice homemade raspberry slice. Well done Barbara for creating a theme and carrying it right through the programme.
The speaker of the day was Noel, this, by choice, was his first speech at the Club for sometime and he gave an excellent "Father of The Bride" speech which he had delivered at his daughter's wedding in Wanaka earlier this year. We learnt so much about Nicola and Ian in a speech delivered without notes and in exemplary fashion, I would imagine that with a few wines under their belt the audience would have lapped up the anecdotes and humour that Noel shared with us, even stone cold sober we loved it and really enjoyed hearing of Nicola's history. Well done Noel, perhaps we should programme you more often for speeches!
Noel was introduced and evaluated by Craig, who ,after a bard reading by Jan from Ralph Smedley (the founder of Toastmasters) about the method of Evaluation , was able to follow Ralph's formula to the T.

The Table Topics session was run by Sue M, who followed the "wedding theme" and asked different members wedding related questions, speakers were Cheryl, Graham, Darryl, Brenda and Mike who all coped extremely well with questions like 'If not married in white-what colour?', 'what is a good age to get married?' 'should it be a church wedding or somewhere else?', 'what cost for a wedding?' etc. Sorry after this time cannot put names to questions, but as young Mr Grace says in 'Are you being served?' " you all did very well!!" Best Table Topics speaker was Darryl.
Table topics were evaluated by Wendy, who was able to give good feedback to all the speakers.
Viv finished up with an excellent General Evaluation and had some good recommendations for the Evaluators, Craig and Wendy.
Finally we heard from Isaac, about his thoughts on weddings ( he had a marriage of convenience so she could stay in New Zealand and everyone was happy) and a brief report from Graham E on his recent trip to speak at a Conference in Darwin, a speech he had trialled at Toastmasters a couple of weeks ago).
That's all for this week (better late than never!)

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